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Can't Take My Eye's Off You

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Easy Improver - Smooth Waltz
Peter Davenport (ES) - September 2012
Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Lady A : (Album: Lady A - 4:47)
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40 Count Intro, Start on the words “I Know” Aprox 26 Secounds
2 Re:- Starts walls 4 & 6

Step L to L Side, Drag R To L, Step ¼ R, Step L ½ R
1,2,3Take Long Step L, Drag R to L over 2 counts (no weight on R) 12 o' clock
4,5,6Make ¼ R stepping on R, Step L forward, Pivot ½ R (weight in L) 9 o' clock
Wall 8: count 6, ¾ turn R weight on R, Start the dance again

Cross Back Back, Cross Back Back
1,2,3Cross R over L, Step L Back, Step R to R side
4,5,6Cross L over R, Step R Back, Step L to L side 9 o'clock

Cross Side Behind, Drag,
1,2,3Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Cross R behind L
4,5,6Take long step L, Drag R to L over 2 counts (no weight on R) 9 o'clock
Wall 4: Bring R to L on count 3 with weight, Start the dance again

¼ ½ ¼ (Full Turn) R, Cross Unwind Full Turn R
1,2,3Make ¼ R step R forward, Make ½ R step back on L, Make ¼ R Step R to R side
4,5,6Cross L over R, Unwind full turn R over 2 counts 9 o'clock

Sweep Behind Side Cross, Side Close Turn ¼ L
1,2,3Sweep R round back of L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
4,5,6Step L to L side, Bring R to L, Make ¼ turn L stepping on L 6 o'clock

Rock Replace Step, Rock Replace Step, “Lunge”
1,2,3Rock R over L, Replace on L, Step R to R side
4,5,6Rock L over R, Replace on R, Step L to L side 6 o'clock

Cross ¼ Back, Cross Point
1,2,3Cross R over L, Make ¼ R stepping back on L, Step R to R side 9 o'clock
4,5,6Cross L over R, Point R out to R side Hold over 2 counts (prep R shoulder)

Monterey ½ Turn R, Point Step, Rock Replace ¼ R Step
1,2,3Make ½ R bringing R to L, Point L out to L side, on count 3, Step L down
4,5,6Rock R over L, Replace weight on L, Make ¼ R stepping down on R 6 o'clock

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