CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Finally Found You

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Will Craig (USA) - September 2012
Finally Found You (feat. Sammy Adams) - Enrique Iglesias
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Sequence: A-B-A-B-B-A-B-A-B-B-A-B-(8 counts of B)-A-B

PART A - 32 counts
[1-8] Walks X 2, Rock Recover Back, Touch 1/4 Turn L, Cross and Cross
1 2Walk forward right, Walk forward left
3&4Rock right foot forward, Recover weight back to left, Step back on the right foot
5 6Touch left foot back, Make 1/4 turn left weight onto the left foot
7&8Cross right foot over your left foot, Step left foot to left side, Cross right foot over left foot

[9-16] Rock Recover, Behind Side Cross, Shorty George
1 2Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto the right foot
3&4Step left foot behind right foot, Step right foot to right side, Cross the left foot in front of the right
5&6Kick right foot, Step right foot down (While rolling the left knee), Step left foot forward
7&8(While rolling the right knee) Step right forward, (While rolling the left knee) Step left forward,(While rolling the right knee) Step right foot forward

[17-24] Cross Rock Left, Cross Rock Right, 1/4 Turn Right, 1/2 Turn Right, Rock Recover
1&2Cross rock left foot over the right, Recover weight back onto the right foot, Step left to left side
3&4Cross rock right foot of the left foot, Recover weight back to left, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping right foot forward
5 6Step left foot forward, Make 1/2 turn over right shoulder putting weight onto right foot
7 8Rock left foot forward, Recover back onto right

[25-32] Coaster Step, Cross 1/2 Turn, Hook Unwind, Rock Recover
1&2Step left foot back, Bring right foot together, Step left foot forward
3 4Cross right foot over left foot, Turn 1/2 turn over left shoulder ending weight on right
5 6Hook left leg behind right, Unwind full turn ending weight onto left foot
7 8Rock right foot out to right side, Recover weight back onto left foot

PART B - 32 counts
[1-8] Samba Crosses with Volta To The Left
1a2Cross right foot over the left foot, Step left foot to left side, Right foot together
3a4Cross left over the right foot, Right foot to right side, Left foot together
5a6aCross right foot over the left foot, Step left foot to left side, cross right over the left foot, step left foot to left side
7a8Cross right foot over the left foot, Left foot to left side, Cross right foot over the left foot

[9-16] Rock Recover, Hook Unwind, Kick and Cross, Rock Recover
1 2Rock left foot the left side, Recover weight to right
3 4Hook left foot behind the right foot, Unwind a full turn ending with the weight on the left foot
5&6Kick right foot forward, Step right foot down, Cross left foot over right
7 8Rock right foot to right side, Recover weight back to left

[17-24] Behind Side 1/4 Turn Left, Rock Recover, Coaster Step,1/2 Turn
1&2Right foot behind the left foot, Left foot to left side, 1/4 turn left stepping right foot forward
3 4Rock left foot forward, Recover weight to right
5&6Step left foot back, Right foot together, Left foot forward
7 8Step right foot forward, Make a 1/2 turn over your left shoulder placing weight onto left

[25-32] 1/2 Turn Left, Coaster Step, Kick Forward and Side and Side and Front Together
1&2Step right foot forward, Bring left heel into right foot starting a 1/4 turn, Finish the 1/4 turn by twisting the right heel out putting the weight onto the right foot
3&4Step left foot back, Bring right foot together, Step left foot forward
5&6&Kick right foot forward, Bring right foot back to left, kick left foot to left side, Bring left foot back to right
7&8&Kick right foot the right side, Bring right foot the left foot, Kick left foot forward, Bring left foot back together

****RESTART***** After the Rap part of the song which is at the end of wall 7,
You do the 1st 8 counts of part B and then restart the dance doing part A

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