Skate, Skate, Shuffle, Skate, Skate, Shuffle
1-2Skate right, skate left
3&4Shuffle right, left, right forward
5-6Skate left, skate right
7&8Shuffle left, right, left forward
Walk Back and Clap for 8 Counts
1-2Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
5-6Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
7-8Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
8 Count Vine to the Right
1-4Step right, step left behind right, step right, step left over right
5-8Step right, step left behind right, step right, touch left next to right
Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Scuff, 4 Hip Bumps
1-4Step left, step right behind left, step left making ¼ turn left, scuff right
5-8Stepping on right foot, two hip bumps forward, and two hip bumps back
Ending with weight on left foot
Repeat dance…
There is a 16 count tag on the 4th and 8th wall
Right Jazz Box, Vine Right, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Scuff, 4 Hip Bumps
1-4Step right over left, step back on left, step to right, step left next to right
5-8Step right, step left behind right, step right, touch left next to right
9-12Step left, step right behind left, step left making ¼ turn left, scuff right
13-16Step on right, 2 hip bumps forward, 2 hip bumps back ending with weight on left foot. Start dance over facing front wall
Rick Todd / E-mail /
1-2Skate right, skate left
3&4Shuffle right, left, right forward
5-6Skate left, skate right
7&8Shuffle left, right, left forward
Walk Back and Clap for 8 Counts
1-2Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
5-6Step back right, touch left next to right and clap
7-8Step back left, touch right next to left and clap
8 Count Vine to the Right
1-4Step right, step left behind right, step right, step left over right
5-8Step right, step left behind right, step right, touch left next to right
Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Scuff, 4 Hip Bumps
1-4Step left, step right behind left, step left making ¼ turn left, scuff right
5-8Stepping on right foot, two hip bumps forward, and two hip bumps back
Ending with weight on left foot
Repeat dance…
There is a 16 count tag on the 4th and 8th wall
Right Jazz Box, Vine Right, Vine Left, ¼ Turn Left, Scuff, 4 Hip Bumps
1-4Step right over left, step back on left, step to right, step left next to right
5-8Step right, step left behind right, step right, touch left next to right
9-12Step left, step right behind left, step left making ¼ turn left, scuff right
13-16Step on right, 2 hip bumps forward, 2 hip bumps back ending with weight on left foot. Start dance over facing front wall
Rick Todd / E-mail /