CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Yonne Emalda - August 2012
Scream - Usher
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Intro : 32 counts in, approx 15 sec Sequence : 64, 32, 64, Tag 1, 64, 32, 64, Tag 2, 64

Step Touch X2, Kick Ball Cross, ¼ Turn L, ¼ Turn L
1-4Step R foot to R side, touch L toes beside R foot, step L foot to L side, touch R toes beside R foot
5&6Kick R foot to R diagonal, step R foot in place, cross L foot over R foot
7-8Turn ¼ L stepping R foot back, turn ¼ L stepping L foot to L side

Jazz Box ¼ R, Pivot ½ Turn L, Kick Ball Change
1-4Cross R foot over L foot, turn ¼ R stepping L foot back, step R foot to R side, step L foot beside R foot
5-6Step R foot forward, turn ½ L
7&8Kick R foot forward, step R foot in place, step L foot in place

Modified Dorothy Steps, Pivot ½ R
1Step R foot forward to R diagonal
2&3Lock L foot behind R foot, step R foot forward to R diagonal, step L foot forward to L diagonal
4&5Lock R foot behind L foot, step L foot forward to L diagonal, step R foot forward to R diagonal
6&7Lock L foot behind R foot, step R foot forward to R diagonal, step L foot forward
8Turn ½ R

Modified Dorothy Steps, Pivot ½ L
1Step L foot forward to L diagonal
2&3Lock R foot behind L foot, step L foot forward to L diagonal, step R foot forward to R diagonal
4&5Lock L foot behind R foot, step R foot forward to R diagonal, step L foot forward to L diagonal
6&7Lock R foot behind L foot, step L foot forward to L diagonal, step R foot forward
8Turn ½ L

Cross Point X2, Sailor Step, Unwind ¾ Turn L
1-4Cross R foot over L foot, point L toes to L side, cross L foot over R foot, point R toes to R side
5&6Cross R foot behind L foot, step L foot to L side, step R foot to R side
7-8Touch L toes back, turn ¾ L stepping L foot in place

Botafogo X2, ¼ Turn L, Back Shuffle, Coaster Step
1&2Rock R foot to R side, recover weight on L foot, cross R foot over L foot
3&4Rock L foot to L side, recover weight on R foot, cross L foot over R foot
5&6Turn ¼ L stepping R foot back, lock L foot over R foot, step R foot back
7&8Step L foot back, step R foot beside L foot, step L foot forward Step,

Sailor Step X2, Behind Side Cross, Rock And Recover
1Step R foot to R side
2&3Cross L foot behind R foot, step R foot to R side, step L foot to L side
4&5Cross R foot behind L foot, step L foot to L side, step R foot to R side
6&7Cross L foot behind R foot, step R foot to R side, cross rock L foot over R foot
8Recover weight from R foot

Step, Sailor Step X2, Behind Side Cross, Rock And Recover
1Step L foot to L side
2&3Cross R foot behind L foot, step L foot to L side, step R foot to R side
4&5Cross L foot behind R foot, step R foot to R side, step L foot to L side
6&7Cross R foot behind L foot, step L foot to L side, cross rock R foot over L foot
8Recover weight from L foot

Tag 1: Pivot Turn ½ L X2, Sway X4
1-4Step R foot forward, turn ½ L, step R foot forward, turn ½ L
5-8Step R foot to R side and sway hips to R side, L side, R side, L side

Tag 2: Sway X4
1-4Step R foot to R side and sway hips to R side, L side, R side, L side


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