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Dear Lonely Heart

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William Sevone (UK) - April 2012
Qi Shi Ni Bu Dong Wo De Xin (其實你不懂我的心) - Wang Mei Hui : (Album: The Best Of Ballroom Part 8/18)
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Recommended Alternative:- "Qi Shi Ni Bu Dong Wo De Xin" (96 bpm)... Angus Tung

My thanks to Nina Chen (Taiwan) for the suggestion, adaptation and video using the music by Angus Tung

Alternatives:- "Qi Shi Ni Bu Dong Wo De Xin" (84 bpm)... Gao Sheng Mei
“Qi Shi Ni Bu Dong Wo De Xin” (93 bpm)... Ye Qian Wen (Sally Yeh) (Greatest Hits )

Dance Sequence:- 48 – 45 – 48 – 24 – Bridge - 24 – 24 – Bridge – 18
Dance Sequence:- ANGUS TUNG version only - 48 – 45 – 48 – 24 – Bridge - 24 – 24 – 15

Choreographers note:- If using the version by Sally Yeh, refer to the note under ‘Dance Finish’
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the vocals.

2x Cross-Side-Together. Cross. Side. 1/2 Side (6:00)
1-2-3Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Step right next to left heel.
4-5-6Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Step left next to right heel.
7-8-9Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Turn ½ right & step right to right side (6).
Style Note Counts 3 and 6 turn body inward.

1/2 Sway. Recover. Cross. Side 1/2 Side. Diag. 7/8 Fwd. 1/2 Back. Step (12:00)
10-11-12Turn ½ right & sway onto left (12). Recover on right. Cross left over right.
13-14-15Step right to right side. Turn ½ left & step left to left side (6). Step right diagonally forward left (4.30).
16-17-18Turn 7/8th left & step forward onto left (6). Turn ½ left & step backward onto right (12). Touch left backward.

2x Cross-Back-Diagonal. Rock. Recover. Step (12:00)
19-20-21Cross left over right. Step back onto right. Step left diagonally forward left.
22-23-24Cross right over left. Step back onto left. Step right diagonally forward right.
BRIDGE Wall 4 and 5 :- Repeat Counts 19-24 (6 counts) then continue with dance from Count 25
25-26-27Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right. Step onto left.

1/4 Side-3/4 Sweep-Back-Together-Forward or Easier Option (12:00)
28-29-30Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (9). Sweep left over 2 counts ¾ left - keeping foot off floor (12).
31-32-33Step back onto left. Step right next to left. Step forward onto left.
34-35-36Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (9). Sweep left over 2 counts ¾ left - keeping foot off floor (12).
37-38-39Step back onto left. Step right next to left. Step forward onto left.
Option An easier option for Counts 28-29-30 and 34-35-36
“Step forward onto right. Swing left forward and sweep in arc from front to back (2 counts)”

Fwd. Together. Fwd. Rock. Recover. Back. Side Rock. Recover. Touch (12:00)
40-41-42Step forward onto right. Step left next to right. Step forward onto right.
43-44-45Rock forward onto left. Recover on right. Step backward onto left.
SHORT WALL Wall 2:- Restart the dance from Count 1 at this point.
46-47-48Rock/Sway right to right side. Recover onto left. Touch right ‘shoulder width apart’ from left.

Dance Finish 5th Wall:-The dance will end on Count 42 or Count 36 when using the Sally Yeh version.

Last Update - 6th May 2014


Hann21921 April 9, 2014
I admire the excellent choice of music and the beautiful choreographing. Many thanks.

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