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Friends For Life

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Sequenced Intermediate
Richard Rae - July 2012
Amigos Para Siempre - Sarah Brightman & José Carreras : (full song)
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Introduction: 32 counts.

Right to Side, Left Behind, 1/4 turn right on Right, left to side turning 1/4 turn right, right behind, ½ turn right (weight on right) rock left across right, rock back onto right.
1-2-3-4Step side on Right, step Left behind Right, turn ¼ right on Right, turning ¼ right, step Left to side.
5-6, 7-8Step Right behind Left, pivot ½ turn to right on the balls of both feet- (weight on right), rock Left over right, recover onto Right.

Shuffle Left, Behind & In front, Rocking Chair, step Left next To Right.
1&2-3&4Shuffle to Left Left-Right-Left., step Right behind Left, step Left to side, step Right in front of Left.
5-6-7-8&Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, rock back on Left, recover on Right, step Left next to Right (&).

Weave front, side, behind, swing, behind, side, rock, hold.
1,2,3,4Step Right in front of Left, step Left to left side, step Right behind Left, swing left from front to behind Right.
5-6Step Left behind Right, step Right to right side,
7-8Rock Left across right (to face 1.30), hold.

& Pivot, Rock, Recover, & Rock, Recover
&1-2-3-4And step Right next to Left, step Left forward, pivot ½ turn right (to face 7.30) Rock forward on Left foot, recover weight to Right
&5-6Step Left next to Right (&), rock Right over Left, recover onto Left (to face 4.30)
&7-8Step Right next to Left (facing 12.00), Step Left forward, hold. .
Repeat – see sequence.

Right back, Left hook, full turn, weave left with Left swing.
1-2-3&4Step back on Right, hook Left in front of Right, a full turn left stepping Left Right Left.
Alternate: Shuffle forward Left-Right-Left for 3&4.
5-6-7-8Step Right in front of Left, step Left to left side, step Right behind Left, swing left from front to behind Right

Right weave with Right swing, Right across full turn with left to side, hold.
1-2-3-4Step Left behind Right, step Right to side, Step Left in front of Right, swing right from behind to in front of Left.
5-6-7-8Cross Right in font of Left, pivot on the balls of both feet ¾ turn left (weight onto Right), step Left ¼ turn left (completing a full turn), hold.

Right Back, Recover, Shuffle Right, Rock back Left, recover, pivot ½ Right
1-2-3&4Rock back on Right recover onto Left, shuffle to right Right-Left-Right,
5-6-7-8rock back on Left, recover on Right, step Left forward, pivot ½ turn right (weight on Right)

Cross, point, Cross point, Rock Left back, rock Right forward, Rock Left back Touch Right.
1-2-3-4Cross/step Left over Right, point Right to right side, cross/step Right over Left, point Left to side.
5-6-7-8Step/rock back onto Left, rock forward on Right, recover back on Left, touch Right next to left.

SEQUENCE: Verse x2, Chorus x2, Verse x2, Chorus x2, Verse x2, pause then Chorus x2, (#) then a very slow Chorus followed by Slow finale.
Note: Dancing all of the final Chorus sections- hold - until the orchestra starts and then follow the slow beat.
To end: finish with the full turn Left to left side, hold, then Right across Left, turn half slowly to face the front with arms in the air.
Easier alternative the dance can finish here (#) at approximately 3.48 min.

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