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Drop Dead Gorgeous

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Nathalie Lagache (FR) - June 2012
Drop Dean Gorgeous - Katrina Elam
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Start after 16 counts on Lyrics – Sequence: A B A B Tag B

PATTERN A – 32 counts
Part 1 [1 – 8] Shuffle R fwd, Hitch, Shuffle L Fwd, Hitch, R Chassé, R Cross behind & Unwind ½ L
1&2R forward, L next to R, R forward
&3&4Little hitch with L, L fwd, R next to L, L fwd
&5&6Little hitch with R, R in the right Side, L next to R, R in the right side
7-8Touch R behind L, unwind ½ left

Part 2 [9 – 16] R Cross Rock, Recover, R Chasse, L cross rock, Recover, ¼ turn L, Side, Together
1-2Cross R over L, recover onto L
3&4R on the right side, L next to R, R to the right side
5-6Cross L over R, recover onto R
7-8¼ turn left, L on the left side, R next to L

Part 3 [17 - 24] Kick L x2, Cross behind, Side, Swivels, Jump side, Cross, Jump side ½ turn L, Touch
1-2Kick with L fwd & on the left side
3-4Cross L behind R, R on the right side
5-6Swivel both heels to right, swivel both heels to place
&7little jump on the right (&), cross L over R (7)
&8little jump on the right & pivot ½ turn left(&), L on the left side(8), touch

Part 4 [25 – 32] Kick R x2, Cross behind, Side, Swivels, Jump side, Cross, Jump side ½ turn R,
1-2Kick with R fwd & on the right side
3-4Cross R behind L, L on the left side
5-6Swivel both heels to left, swivel both heels to place
&7little jump on the left (&), cross R over L (7)
&8little jump on the left & pivot ½ turn right (&), R on the right side(8)

PATTERN B – 54 counts
Parts 1 & 2 are the same that Pattern A

Part 3 [17 - 24] L Scissor Step, R Scissor Step, &, Step fwd, Drag, Touch, ¼ turn L, Side, together
1&2L to left side, close R beside L, Cross L over R
3&4R to right side, close L beside R, Cross R over L
&5-6L next to R, R fwd, drag L to R & touch
7-8¼ turn left, L in the left side, R next to L

Part 4 [25 – 32] L Scissor Step, R Scissor Step, &, Step fwd, Drag, Touch, ¼ turn L, Side, together
1&2L to left side, close R beside L, Cross L over R
3&4R to right side, close L beside R, Cross R over L
&5-6L next to R, R fwd, drag L to R & touch
7-8¼ turn left, L in the left side, R next to L

Part 5 [33-8] Swivet, Walk x2, Run x3 (only 6 counts)
1-2Swivet right toe to right and left heel to left, return to place
3-4L fwd, R fwd,
5&6L R L fwd

Part 6 [39 – 46] R Scuff Hitch ¼ turn R, L Scuff Hitch ¼ turn L, step R fwd, ½ Pivot L, R Kick Ball Change
1-2Scuff with R & hitch ¼ turn right, recover onto R
3-4Scuff with L & hitch ¼ turn to left, recover onto L
5-6R fwd, Pivot ½ turn left
7&8Kick R fwd, R next to L, Recover weight onto L

Part 7 [46 – 54] Heels Out R&L, Balls in R&L, Jazz Box ¼ turn R, Ball Cross L, Side & Clap, L Sailor & Slap
1&2&Heel R out (1), heel L out(&), Heel R to place (2), Heel L to place(&)
3&4&Cross R over L (3), L step back (&), ¼ turn right, R on right side (4), L next to R (&)
5-6weight onto R, cross L over R(5), R in the right side & clap(6)
(Easier option : 3-6
3&4Cross R over L, L step back, ¼ turn right, R on right side,
&5-6Bring L next to R( &), R to right side (5), clap (6))
&7&8L behind R, R to right side, L to left side & slap on both legs

Begin dance again and enjoy it !

Tag : The same that Part 6 & 7 of Pattern B


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