Beginner / Improver
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Vine 2, side shuffle, Step, tap, step, kick
1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
3&4Step right to side, Step left next to right, step right to side
5-6Step left fwd, tap right behind
7-8Step right back, kick left fwd (low, easy kick)
[9-16] Vine 2, shuffle 1/4, fwd lock, shuffle
9-10Step left to side, step right behind left
11&12Step left ¼ to left, step right beside left, step left fwd
13-14Step right fwd, lock left behind right
15&16Step right fwd, step left next to right, step right fwd
[17-24] Rock, recover, shuffle ½, rock, recover, cross strut
17-18Rock fwd on left, recover to right
19&20Turning ½ to left, shuffle left, right, left
21-22Rock right to side, recover to left
23-24Cross right over left, stepping down on toes, put weight on heel
[25-32] Rock, recover, vine
25-26Rock left to side, recover to right
27-28Cross left over right, stepping down on toes, put weight on heel
29-30Step right to side, step left behind right
31-32Step right to side, step left in front of right
**Dance will shift from count but then, comes back—just dance through it
[1-8] Vine 2, side shuffle, Step, tap, step, kick
1-2Step right to side, step left behind right
3&4Step right to side, Step left next to right, step right to side
5-6Step left fwd, tap right behind
7-8Step right back, kick left fwd (low, easy kick)
[9-16] Vine 2, shuffle 1/4, fwd lock, shuffle
9-10Step left to side, step right behind left
11&12Step left ¼ to left, step right beside left, step left fwd
13-14Step right fwd, lock left behind right
15&16Step right fwd, step left next to right, step right fwd
[17-24] Rock, recover, shuffle ½, rock, recover, cross strut
17-18Rock fwd on left, recover to right
19&20Turning ½ to left, shuffle left, right, left
21-22Rock right to side, recover to left
23-24Cross right over left, stepping down on toes, put weight on heel
[25-32] Rock, recover, vine
25-26Rock left to side, recover to right
27-28Cross left over right, stepping down on toes, put weight on heel
29-30Step right to side, step left behind right
31-32Step right to side, step left in front of right
**Dance will shift from count but then, comes back—just dance through it