CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Going Crazy

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Phrased Intermediate - K-Pop
Mayee Lee (MY) - June 2012
Crazy - TEEN TOP
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Special dedicated to my assistants and my lovely students for being with me all the time….cheers for our friendship…
Intro: Start after 36 counts - Sequence: ABB - ABB - ABC

Part A (64 counts)
Section 1: Jump To R, Touch, Side, Hold, Hip Roll, Chest Bump To L&R
&1, 2, 3, 4Jump Rt to Rt(&), touch Lt beside Rt(1), step Lt to Lt(2), hold 3 - 4
(handstyling: lift up your Rt elbow(&-1), bend your Rt hand in(2), roll both fist in front (3-4))
5, 6, 7, 8Hip roll upward(5-6), hold 7-8 (raise up both elbow, do chest bump to L & R(7-8))

Section 2: Side, Hold, Pop Knee R & L, Side, Recover, Hip Bump RLR
1, 2, 3, 4Step Lt to Lt(1), hold(2), step Rt to Rt pop Lt knee to Rt(3), step Lt to Lt pop Rt knee to Lt(4)
(continue with Sec 1 counts 7-8, do chest bump to Lt(1-2))
5, 6, 7&8Step Rt to Rt(5), recover to Lt(6), bump hip to Rt Lt Rt(7&8)

Section 3: Jump To L, Touch, Side, Hold,, Hip Roll, Chest Bump To L&R
&1, 2, 3, 4Jump Lt to Lt(&), touch Rt beside Lt(1), step Rt to Rt(2), hold 3 - 4
(hand styling: lift up your Lt elbow(&-1), bend your Lt hand in(2), roll both fist in front (3-4))
5, 6, 7, 8Hip roll upward(5-6), hold 7-8 (raise up both elbow, do chest bump to L & R(7-8))

Section 4: Side, Hold, Pop Knee R & L, Side, Recover, Hip Bump RLR
1, 2, 3, 4Step Lt to Lt(1), hold(2), step Rt to Rt pop Lt knee to Rt(3), step Lt to Lt pop Rt knee to Lt(4)
(continue with Sec 1 counts 7-8, do chest bump to Lt(1-2))
5, 6, 7&8Step Rt to Rt(5), recover to Lt(6), bump hip Rt Lt Rt(7&8)

Section 5: Back, Cross, Hold, R Out, L Out, Hold, Hip Rolling, Jump Together
& 1, 2Drag Rt behind Lt(&), cross Lt over Rt(1), hold(2)
& 3, 4Step Rt out(&), step Lt out(3), hold(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Hip roll follow clockwise(5-7), jump both feet together(8)

Section 6: L Forward , Potato Steps, Jump Apart & Squat, Hold, Move Forward Twice
&1, 2, 3, 4Step Lt forward(&), twist both heels in(1), twist both heels out(2), step Lt back & twist both heels in(3), twist both heels out(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Jump both feet apart & squat down(5), hold(6), slightly jump & move both feets forward twice(7-8)

Section 7: Side, Together, Hold x 2, Side, Hold, Transfer Weight To L&R
1, 2, 3, 4Step Rt to Rt(1), Lt together Rt(2), Hold(3-4) (pop both shoulder out, in, out(2-4))
5, 6, 7, 8Step Rt to Rt & push shoulder to Rt(5), hold(6), recover on Lt(7), transfer weight to Rt(8)
(push shoulder to Lt & Rt(7-8))

Section 8: Side, Together, Hold x 2, Side, Hold, Transfer Weight to R & L
1, 2, 3, 4Step Lt to Lt(1), Rt together Lt(2), Hold(3-4) (pop both shoulder out, in, out(2-4))
5, 6, 7, 8Step Lt to Lt & push shoulder to Lt(5), hold(6), recover on Rt(7), transfer weight to Lt(8)
(push shoulder to Rt & Lt(7-8)

Part B (32 counts)
Section 1: Cross, Touch, Step, Jump, Cross, Touch, Step, Jump
1, 2, 3, 4Cross Rt over Lt facing diagonal Lt(1), touch Lt beside Rt(2), step Lt in place facing diagonal to Rt(3), jump both feet together(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Cross Lt over Rt facing diagonal Rt(5), touch Rt beside Lt(6), step Lt in place facing front wall(7), jump both feet together(8)

Section 2: Jump Back Diagonally, Side, Pop Knee, Knee Swivel
1, 2, 3, 4Jump diagonally back on Rt(pop Lt knee)(1), jump diagonally back on Lt(pop Rt knee)(2)
Count 3-4 repeat counts 1-2
5, 6 ,7&8Step Rt to Rt(5), pop Lt knee(6), twist Lt knee out, In, Out(7&8)

Section 3: Drag, Cross, Side, Hitch, Step, Cross, Side, Hitch
1, 2, 3, 4Drag Lt behind Rt(1), cross Rt over Lt(2), step Lt to Lt(3), hitch Rt facing diagonally Rt(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Step Rt beside Lt(5), cross Lt over Rt(6), step Rt to Rt(7), hitch Lt facing diagonally Lt(8)

Section 4: Forward, Touch, Back, Together, Out, Out, Push Shoulder
1, 2, 3, 4Step Lt forward(1), touch Rt beside Lt(2), step Rt back(3), step Lt together Rt(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Step Rt out(5), step Lt out(6), transfer weight to Rt & Lt(push shoulder to Rt & Lt(7-8))

Part C (32counts)
Section 1: Shuffling Full Turn R
1, 2, 3, 4Step R fwd 1/8 turn Rt,& hop R back with hitch L(1)(1.30), step L fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop L back with hitch R(2) (3.00), step R fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop R back with hitch L(3)(4.30), step L fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop L back with hitch R(4)(6.00)
5, 6, 7, 8Step R fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop R back with hitch L(5)(7.30), step L fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop L back with hitch R(6) (9.00), step R fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop R back with hitch L(7)(10.30), step L fwd 1/8 turn Rt & hop L back with hitch R(8)(12.00)

Section 2: Jump Apart, Cross, Jump Apart, Cross, Jump x4
1, 2, 3, 4Jump both feet apart(1), cross jump Rt over Lt(2), jump both feet apart(3), cross jump Rt behind Lt(4)
5, 6, 7, 8Jump both feet together (5-8) (Hold your Lt fist up & roll your fist 4 times)

Section 3: Repeat Section 1
Section 4: Repeat Section 2

Please enjoy the dance with your own styling !!!!!!



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