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Life Goes On

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Jodie Lavinia Cope (UK) - April 2012
Life Goes On - LeAnn Rimes
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Count in – 33 counts, Begin on vocals “you sucked me in and played my mind”

(1-8)Side Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Behind & Cross, Touch & Rock, Recover
1 – 2Rock left to left side(1), Recover weight onto right(2),
3 – 4Rock left to left side(3), Recover weight onto right(4),
5 & 6Step left behind right(5), Step right to right side(&), Cross left over right(6),
& 7, 8Touch right toe next to left(&), Rock right to right side(7), Recover weight onto left(8),

(8-16)Behind, ¼, step forward, Rock forward, Recover, 1 ½ turn left, Step, ½ turn, ½ turn.
1 &Cross right behind left(1), Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left(&)(9:00),
2, 3, 4Step forward on right(2), Rock forward on left(3), Recover weight onto right(4)
5Make ½ turn left stepping forward on left(5)(3:00),
&Make a ½ turn left stepping back on right(&)(9:00),
6Make a ½ turn left stepping forward on left(6)(3:00),
7Step forward on right(7),
8Make ½ turn right stepping back on left(8)(9:00),
&Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right(&)(3:00).

(17-24) ¼ turn, Back rock & side, Behind, ¼, step forward, Cross, Back, ¼ cross,
1Make a ¼ turn right stepping left to left side(1)(6:00),
2 & 3Rock right behind left(2), Recover weight onto left(&), Step right to right side(3),
4 &Step left behind right(4), Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on right(&)(9:00),
5, 6, 7Step forward on left(5), Cross right over left(6), Step back on left(7),
& 8Make a ¼ turn right stepping right to right side(&)(12:00), Cross left over right(8).

(25-32) Long side step, Drag, Back rock & recover, ¼, ¼, Back rock & recover, ¼, right shuffle forward.
1 &Make a long step right to right side(1), Drag left foot toward right(&),
2 &Rock left behind right(2), Recover weight onto right(&),
3Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left(3)(9:00),
4Make a ¼ turn left stepping a long step right to right side(4)(6:00)
& 5Drag left foot toward right(&), Rock left behind right(5),
& 6Recover weight onto right(&), Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left(6)(3:00),
7 & 8Step forward on right(7), Step left next to right(&), Step forward on right(8).

Tag: - After the second sequence before you restart add the following steps (facing wall six)
Side rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross, Side rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross.
1 – 2Rock left to left side(1), Recover on right(2),
3 & 4Cross left behind right(3), Step right to right side(&), Cross left over right(4),
5 – 6Rock right to right side(5), Recover weight onto left(6),
7 & 8Cross right behind left(7), Step left to left side(&), Cross right over left(8).

Rock forward, Recover, Left coaster step, Rock forward, Recover, Behind, Side, Cross.
1 – 2Rock forward on left(1), Recover weight onto right(2),
3 & 4Step back on left(3), Step right next to left(&), Step forward on left(4),
5 6Rock forward on right(5), Recover weight onto left(6),
7 & 8Cross right behind left(7), Step left to left side(&), Cross right over left(8).

Then restart the dance

Contact – Jodie Lavinia Cope –


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