CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rude Boy

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Phrased Intermediate
Junior Willis (USA) & Amy Spencer (USA) - July 2011
Rude Boy - Rihanna
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Start: 16 counts into music (at vocals) - Sequence: AAB AAB AAB AA

Part A – 32 counts
Step, Heel-Hitch-Step, Heel-Hitch-Step, Step, Weave Forward (1/4 turn R)
1Step L forward
2&3Place R heel forward, hitch R slightly in front of L, step R forward
4&5Place L heel forward, hitch L slightly in front of R, step L forward
6Step R forward
7&8&Step L behind R, step R forward, step L out to L with ¼ turn to R (3:00), step R behind L

Step, Drag, Side Triple, Touch Behind, ½ Unwind, Gallop, Gallop
1-2Step L out to L, drag R toe in toward L foot (leaving weight on L)
3&4Triple to the right side (R-L-R)
5-6Touch L toe behind R, unwind ½ turn over left shoulder (ending with weight on left) (9:00)
&7&8Gallop forward on balls of feet (R-L-R-L) keeping feet apart with L arm forward palm up and right hand smacking on 7 and 8

Bounce, Bounce, Heel, Bounce, Bounce, Heel with ¼ turn R, Coaster, Bump and Bump
1&2Bounce on both heels twice (leaning slightly to right), place weight R while touching L heel out to L diagonal
3&4Bounce on both heels twice (leaning slightly to left), place weight on L turning ¼ turn to R while touching R heel forward (12:00)
5&6Coaster on R (step back on R, step L next to R, step R forward)
7&8Step L forward pushing hips forward, push hips back, push hips forward ending with weight on L

Walk, Walk, Mambo, Touch Back, ½ Turn, ¼ Turn with Hip Bumps
1-2Walk forward R and L
3&4Forward mambo on R (rock forward on R, recover on L, step back on R)
5-6Touch L toe back, turn ½ turn over left shoulder ending with weight on L (6:00)
7&8Touch ball of R forward while pushing hips forward, push hips to left while turning ¼ to left, push hips to right ending with weight on R (3:00)

Part B – 16 counts
Step and Together, Step and Together, Swing Right Arm Around, Swing Left Arm Around
1&2Step L out to L while bouncing knees and shoulders with palms down to floor, step R next to L
3&4Step L out to L while bouncing knees and shoulders with palms down to floor, step R next to L
5-8Swing R arm back and swing it up and over your shoulder, as your bringing it over start swinging the L arm back and swing it up and over your shoulder (while adding a little bouncing action)

Step and Together, Step and Together, Hip Roll Around
1&2Step R out to R while bouncing knees and shoulders with palms down to floor, step L next to R
3&4Step R out to R while bouncing knees and shoulders with palms down to floor, step L next to R
5-8Step R out to R, roll hips clockwise ending with weight on R (have R arm out in front diagonally down from your shoulder to the floor with palm open)

Thanks, and ENJOY!!!!

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