CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gabriele Jasser - March 2012
When We Stand Together - Nickelback
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Start dancing with vocals after 24 counts intro

Section 1: Toe Strut R+L, Mambo Step, Back L+R, Sailor 1/4 Turn with Kick
1&2&Touch right toe forward, drop right heel taking weight, repeat with LF
3&4Rock forward on RF, rock back on LF, step RF back
5, 6Step LF back, step RF back
7&8&Turn 1/4 left crossing LF behind RF, step RF next to LF, kick LF forward to left diagonal, step LF next to RF (9:00)

Section 2: Cross, 1/4 Turn Right, 1/2 Triple Turn Right, 2x 1/4 Paddle Turn Right, Shuffle Forward
1, 2Cross RF over LF, turn 1/4 right and step LF back (12:00)
3&41/2 Turn right stepping RF, LF, RF (6:00)
5&6&Touch left toe forward, paddle turn 1/4 R, tough left toe forward, paddle turn 1/4 R (12:00)
7&8Left shuffle forward stepping LF, RF, LF

Section 3: Weave and Vaudeville Left, Vaudeville Right
1&2&Cross RF over LF, step LF left, cross RF behind LF, step LF left
3&4&Cross RF over LF, step LF back turning to right diagonal, touch right heel diagonally forward, step RF in place
5, 6Cross LF over RF, step RF right
7&8&Cross LF behind RF, step RF next to LF, touch left heel diagonally forward, step LF next to RF
Restart Wall 3: Restart dance here facing 6 o’clock

Section 4: Cross, Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn Right with Kick, Walk LF, RF, Shuffle Left
1, 2Cross RF over LF, step LF left
3&4&Turn 1/4 Right crossing RF behind LF, step LF next to RF, kick RF forward, step RF next to LF (3:00)
5, 6Walk LF, RF
7&8Shuffle forward stepping LF, RF, LF

Tag: Wall 7: Dance the first 8 counts, then - facing 12 o’clock - add this 18 Count Tag and restart dance
Point & Heel & Heel & Point, 1/4 Turn Left, Repeat
1&2&Point right toe right, step RF next to LF, touch left heel forward, step LF next to RF
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step RF next to LF, point left toe left, step LF next to RF turning 1/4 left (9:00)
5&6&Repeat counts 1&2&
7&8&Repeat counts 7&8& (6:00)

Point & Heel & Heel & Point, 1/4 Turn Left, Point & Point 1/4 Turn Left
1&2&Point right toe right, step RF next to LF, touch left heel forward, step LF next to RF
3&4&Touch right heel forward, step RF next to LF, point left toe left, step LF next to RF turning 1/4 left (3:00)
5&6&Point right toe right, step RF next to LF, point left toe to left, step LF next to RF turning 1/4 left (12:00)

Heel & Touch & Heel & Touch &
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step RF next to LF, touch LF behind RF, step LF next to RF
3&4&Repeat counts 1&2&

Ending: Wall 9: Dance 24 counts (including the vaudevilles), then turn 1/4 left and step RF to right side



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