CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Because of You

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Jodie Lavinia Cope (UK) - March 2012
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
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Count in - about 18 counts in. Just before vocals

(1-8) Side rock right, recover, Behind & Cross, Side rock left, Recover, Behind & ¼ step forward
1 – 2Rock right to right side(1). Recover weight onto left(2).
3 & 4Cross right behind left(3). Step left to left side(&). Cross right over left(4).
5 – 6Rock left to left side(5). Recover weight onto right(6).
7 & 8Cross left behind right(7). Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on right(&). Step forward on left (8). 3:00

(9-16) Rock forward right & recover, Step back right, Back left lock step, Rock back right & recover, step forward right, Forward left lock step.
1 & 2Rock forward right(1). Recover weight onto left(&). Step back on right(2).
3 & 4Back left lock step, stepping back on left(3). Lock right over left(&). Step back left(4
5 & 6Rock back on right(5). Recover weight onto left(&). Step forward right(6).
7 & 8Forward left lock step, stepping forward on left(7). Lock right behind left(&). Step forward on left(8).

(17-24) Rock forward right & recover, ½ turn right, Sweep & cross, Step back & cross, Side, behind ¼ turn left. Rock forward right & recover, 1 ½ turn right.
1 & 2Rock forward right(1). Recover weight onto left(&). Make ½ turn right stepping forward on right(2). 9:00
3 &Sweep left from behind and cross over right(3). Step back on right(&).
4 &Step left to left side(4). Cross right over left(&).
5 &Step left to left side(5). Cross right behind left(&).
6 &Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on left(6). Rock forward on right(&). 6:00
7Recover weight onto left(7).
&Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on right(&). 12:00
8Make a half turn right stepping back on left(8). 6:00
&Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on right(&). 12:00

(25-32) Rock forward, Recover, Behind & cross, Side rock & recover, ¼ right, ¼ right, Cross
1 – 2Rock forward left(1). Recover weight onto right(2).
3 & 4Cross left behind right(3). Step left to left side(&). Cross left over right(4).
5 & 6Rock right to right side(5). Recover weight onto left(&). Cross right over left(6).
7Make ¼ turn right stepping back on left foot(7). 3:00
& 8Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side(&). Cross left over right(8). 6:00

Tag (Hip sways)
At the end of the 2nd sequence facing 12:00 Before you begin the next sequence add these steps
1 – 2Rock right to right side swaying hips to the right(1).Recover weight onto left foot swaying hips to the left(2).
Then begin the dance again

At the end of the 5th sequence facing 6:00. Before you begin the next sequence add these steps
1 – 2Rock right to right side swaying hips to the right(1). Recover weight onto left swaying hips to the left(2).
3 - 4Transfer weight onto right foot swaying hips to the right(3). Transfer weight onto left foot swaying hips to left(4).
Then begin the dance again

Dance and Enjoy

Contact – Jodie Lavinia Cope at


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