CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ring Around A Rosy

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Beginner / Easy Intermediate
Victoria Rogers (CAN) - March 2012
Ring-Around-a-Rosy Rag - Arlo Guthrie : (CD: Alice's Restaurant)
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Step-scuff twice, rock fwd-recover, toe touch, heel scuff
1-2Step R fwd on slight right diagonal, scuff L heel
3-4Step L fwd on slight left diagonal, scuff R heel
5-6Rock fwd on R, recover to L
7-8Touch R toe next to L, scuff R heel fwd

Cross R over L, unwind ½ turn, raise up on heels; knee pop
1-2cross R over L, hold
3-4unwind ½ turn to left, hold, keeping weight equally on both feet (facing 6:00)
5-6raise up on both heels, flaring toes outward; set toes down
(optional hand movement: flare palms out at same time as toes on count 5, then bring back in on count 6)
7-8raise up on both toes, bending knees forward but keeping shoulders level
(optional hand movement: raise wrists slightly while raising up on toes on count 7, drop wrists on count 8)

Step-cross-step to right, L toe touch turning ¼, vine to left
1-4Step R to right side, cross L in front of R, step R to right side, touch L next to R turning ¼ to right
(optional arm movement: make 1 ½ clockwise circles with hands, palms facing outward)
5-8Step L to left side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, hold (facing 9:00)
(optional arm movement: make 1 ½ counterclockwise circles with hands, palms facing outward)

4 tap-scoot steps turning ½ to left, 2 toe-struts moving forward
&1&2Tap R foot down (with audible tap) and use it to scoot L foot 1/8 turn to left; repeat to make a ¼ turn
&3&4Tap R foot down (with audible tap) and use it to scoot L foot 1/8 turn to left; repeat to make a ¼ turn
(optional arm movement for counts &1&2&3&4: arms out to side with right arm higher than left and body tilted slightly to left -- “airplane arms”)
5-8place R toe fwd, lower R heel putting full weight on R, repeat with L
(option: double the toe struts – do 4 quick ones!)


Special Ending
On 11th wall, you will start the dance facing the back wall and do the first 12 counts.
After the unwind turn, keep weight on L, brush R fwd, the brush R back across L, then place R toe down across L.
Put hands out in “ta-da” fashion as cymbals crash.



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