CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Kind of Love

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Mark Furnell (UK) - February 2012
My Kind of Love - Emeli Sandé : (Album: Our Version Of Events)
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Step, Mambo ½ Turn, ¼ turn cross, Step ¼ Cross, Step ¼ turn, Step ½ Turn.
1Step fwd on Rt
2-3Rock fwd on Lt, Replace Rt, Step fwd Lt making ½ turn Lt
4&5Step fwd on Rt, Pivot ¼ turn Lt on Lt , Cross Rt over Lt
6&7Rock side on Lt, Replace on Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
8&Step Rt to Rt making ¼ turn Lt, Step Lt to Lt making ¼ turn Lt

Cross rock, Side rock, Back rock, Chasse, Rock Step ¼ Turn, ½ turn Step.
1&Cross Rock Rt over Lt, Replace Lt
2&Rock Rt to Rt side, Replace Lt
3&Rock Rt Back, Replace Lt
4&5Step Rt to Rt, Close Lt to Rt, Step Rt to Rt
6&7Cross rock Lt over Rt, Replace Rt, Step Lt to Lt making ¼ turn
8Step back on Rt, making ½ turn Lt

Coaster Step, Whole Turn, Mambo Step, Sweep, Step, Sweep, Step
1&2Step back Lt. Close Rt to Lt, Step Fwd Lt
3 – 4Step fwd Rt making ½ turn Lt, Step fwd Lt making ½ turn Lt
5&6Rock fwd on Rt, Replace on Lt, Step back on Rt and sweep Lt out to Lt side.
7 – 8Step down on Lt and sweep Rt out to Rt side and behind Lt, Step down on Rt.

Coaster step, Kick Turn Point, Turn, Turn ,Sweep Turn, Sailor Step.
1&2Step back Lt, Close Rt to Lt, Step fwd Lt
3 &4Kick Rt Fwd, Step down on Rt making ¼ turn left and Point Lt toe to Lt side.
5-6Step Lt to Lt making ¼ turn Lt, Step back on Rt making ½ turn Lt and sweep Lt out to Lt Side making ¼ turn Lt
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt to Lt

Happy Dancing

I had great problem adding the video to YOUTUBE.
So please go onto my facebook profile to find the video for this dance.


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