CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chills Me To The Bone

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Dom Yates (UK) - February 2012
Alone Again (feat. Jump Smokers) (UK Radio Edit) - Alyssa Reid : (CD: Alone Again)
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32 Count Intro (Just After The Vocals “This One’s For You Girl”)

[1-8] : Step, Forward Rock, Side Rock, Back Sweep, Weave, Sway, Together
1,2&Step forward on right, rock forward on left, recover on to right
3&4Rock left to side, recover on to right, cross left behind right, sweeping right foot around from front to back
5&6Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left
7-8&Step left to side swaying to left, sway right, step left next to right
**Restart Here Wall 8**

[9-16] : Nightclub Basic Right, Left, Pivot ½ Turn, Sweep ½ Turn, Cross Rock
1,2&Step right to side, rock back on left, recover on to right
3,4&Step left to side, rock back on right, recover on to left
5,6,7Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, make ½ turn left sweeping right foot around
8&Rock right across left, recover on to left
** Restart Here Walls 2 & 5**

[17-24] : Side, Weave ¼ Turn, Walk Left, Right, Rocking Chair, Full Spiral
1,2&Step right to side, cross left behind right, make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right
3,4Walk forward on left, walk forward on right
5&6&Rock forward on left, recover on to right, rock back on left, recover on to right
7,8Step forward on left, full spiral turn to right (weight on left)

[25-32] : Step, Pivot ¼ Turn, Syncopated Weave, Cross Rock Side, Back Rock, Lock Step
1,2&Step forward on right, step forward on left, pivot ¼ turn to right
3&4&Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side
5&6Rock left across right, recover on to right, step left to side
7&8&Rock back on right, recover on to left, step forward on right, lock left behind right
(Last count of lock step is first count of dance, step forward on right)

Start Again

** Walls 2 & 5: Restart/Tag **
Restart happens after 16 counts of the dance, however, to make it fit we change the last count to a touch (8) instead of the cross rock (8&). Counts 12-16 will look as follows:
5,6,7Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, make ½ turn left sweeping right foot around
8Touch right next to left
Start again stepping forward on right

** Wall 8: Restart **
On wall 8 dance the first 8& counts (up to the sway and step together) then instead of stepping to the right side, start again stepping the right forward.


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