Easy Beginner
32 count intro – RESTART: on wall 4 after 16 counts
Step Together, Step Touch – repeat
1, 2, 3, 4Step L forward to L diagonal, step together with R taking weight, Step L forward to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5, 6, 7, 8Step R forward to R diagonal, step together with L taking weight, Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L next to R
Step Touches beginning on L (going backwards)
1, 2Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
3, 4Step R back to R diagonal, touch L next to R
5-8Repeat 1-4
***Restart happens here on Wall 4!!!***
Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold, Side Together Side , Touch
1, 2Rock L to L side and recover weight to R
3, 4Cross L over R, pause
5, 6, 7, 8Step R to R side, together with L (change weight), R to R side, Touch L next to R
Side, Together, ¼ Turn L, Pause, Rock, Recover, Step Back, Touch
1, 2Step L to L side, together with R (taking weight)
3, 4Turning ¼ L Step forward with L, pause
5, 6R forward rock, recover weight to L
7, 8Step R back, touch L next to R.
Step Together, Step Touch – repeat
1, 2, 3, 4Step L forward to L diagonal, step together with R taking weight, Step L forward to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5, 6, 7, 8Step R forward to R diagonal, step together with L taking weight, Step R forward to R diagonal, touch L next to R
Step Touches beginning on L (going backwards)
1, 2Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
3, 4Step R back to R diagonal, touch L next to R
5-8Repeat 1-4
***Restart happens here on Wall 4!!!***
Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold, Side Together Side , Touch
1, 2Rock L to L side and recover weight to R
3, 4Cross L over R, pause
5, 6, 7, 8Step R to R side, together with L (change weight), R to R side, Touch L next to R
Side, Together, ¼ Turn L, Pause, Rock, Recover, Step Back, Touch
1, 2Step L to L side, together with R (taking weight)
3, 4Turning ¼ L Step forward with L, pause
5, 6R forward rock, recover weight to L
7, 8Step R back, touch L next to R.