CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tip of My Tongue

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Sally Graham (AUS) - May 2009
It Must Be Love - Ty Herndon
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Dance Starts: 16 Count Intro, Start on Vocals

[1-8] Walk Walk, Hip Bumps, Hip Bumps, Walk Walk
1,2,3&4Walk forward, Right, Left, Step right foot forward bumping R hip fwd, L hip back, R hip fwd,
5&6,7,8Step Left fwd, bumping L hip fwd, R hip back, L hip fwd, Walk forward Right, Left.

[9-16] Fwd Rock, 3/4 Turn Triple Step R, Fwd Rock, Touch Unwind ½ Right
1,2,3&4Step fwd onto R, replace weight onto L, ¾ Triple step to the Right, RLR (9.00)
5,6,7,8Step fwd onto L, replace weight onto R, Touch L toe behind, Unwind ½ turn L (weight on R)

[17-24] Rock Back, Fwd, Cross Left toe,Unwind ½ turn Right, Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Rock/step back onto L, replace weight onto R, Cross L over R, Unwind ½ turn R(weight on L)
5,6,7,8Step back onto R, Rock fwd onto Left. Rock/step fwd onto Right, replace weight onto Left

[25-32] Lock Backs Right and Left, Rock, Replace, ¼ Turn Left.
1&2Step back on R, Lockstep L infront of R, Step back on R
3&4Step back on L, Lockstep R infront of L, Step back on L
5,6,7,8Step back on R, Replace weight onto L, turning ¼ L Step R to R side, Rock weight onto L (6.00)

[33-40] Weave Left, Cross Rock, Side Shuffle
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L to side
5,6,7&8Cross R over L, Replace weight onto L, Shuffle to the Right: Stepping RLR.

[41-48] Weave Right, Cross Rock, Side Shuffle
1,2,3,4Cross L over R, Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R to side
5,6,7,8Cross L over R, Replace weight onto R, Shuffle to the left: Stepping LRL

[49-56] Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor Step, Cross Step, Point, Cross Step, Point
1&2,3&4Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor Step
5,6,7,8Step Right foot slightly over Left, Point Left to to the Left side, Step Left foot slightly across Right, Point Right Toe to the Right

[57-64] Rocking Chair, Rocking Chair. (option: 2 x ½ pivots Left)
1,2,3,4Step fwd onto R, Replace weight back onto L, Step back onto R, Replace weight fwd onto L
5,6,7,8Step fwd onto R, Replace weight back onto L, Step back onto R, Replace weight fwd onto L

Restart Dance

Dance Finishes at front wall after the second Sailor Step. Enjoy…………….



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