CopperKnob Stepsheets

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So Amazing

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Lu Olsen (AUS) & Marcia Langton (AUS) - January 2012
Amazing - Vanessa Amorosi : (CD: Amazing)
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Starting Position: Feet together wght on Left - 16 count intro - Start on vocals.

[1 – 8] Fwd, ½ pivot, Shuffle fwd, Fwd, ½ pivot, Full turn
1, 2R fwd, ½ Left pivot turn 6.00
3 & 4R shuffle fwd (R, L, R,)
5, 6,L fwd, ½ Right pivot turn 12.00
7, 8Full Right turn fwd stepping L, R,

[9 – 16] L Cross Samba, R Cross Samba, Fwd, Replace, Back Lock Back
1 & 2(Left Cross Samba moving fwd) Cross L over R, R to Right, L to Left, 12.00
3 & 4(Right Cross Samba moving fwd) Cross R over L, L to Left, R to Right,
5, 6,# Rock L fwd, Replace onto R, #
7 & 8(Back Lock) Step L back, Lock R over L, Step L back
Wall 3 only replace 7 & 8 (back lock) with a Left Coaster

[17 – 24] R Toe back, Reverse pivot, Back lock back, Back, Replace, Kick ball Cross,
1, 2R Toe back, ½ Right reverse pivot, 6.00
3 & 4(Back lock) Step R back, Lock L over R, Step R back
5, 6,Step L back, Replace onto R,
7 & 8Kick L fwd, Step L beside R, Cross R over L,

[25 – 32] ½ L turn, Cross Shuffle, ½ R turn, Cross Shuffle, Side, Side, Behind, Side Cross
& 1 & 2½ Left turn, Cross shuffle L over R (L, R, L) 12.00
& 3 & 4½ Right turn, Cross shuffle R over L (R, L, R) 6.00
5, 6Step L to Left, Rock R to Right,
7 & 8^^ Step L behind R, Step R to Right, Cross L over R ^^ Ending and add Stomp R to Right

[33 – 40] Side, Side, ¼ turning Sailor, Cross, Lock, L Diag, Cross, Lock, R Diag,
1, 2,Step R to Right, Step L to Left,
3 & 4(1/4 turning sailor) Step R behind L, ¼ Right turn and step L to Left, Step R fwd 9.00
(Counts 5 to 8 & moves fwd)
5, 6 &Rock L over R, Lock R behind L, Step L to Left fwd 45º
7, 8 &Rock R over L, Lock L behind R, Step R to Right fwd 45º

[41 – 48] Fwd, ¼ turn, Cross Shuffle, Side, Side, Tap behind, Side Shuffle
1, 2Step L fwd, ¼ Right turn weight on R, 12.00
***Wall 6 only Replace 3 & 4 with 3, 4 Cross L over R, Touch R beside L (12.00)
3 & 4Cross shuffle L over R - L, R, L
& 5, 6Step R to Right, Step L to Left, Tap R toe behind L,
7 & 8Side shuffle to right stepping R, L, R

[49 – 56] Toe Back, ½ Reverse pivot, Back, Fwd, Full turn, Shuffle Fwd
1, 2L toe back, ½ L reverse pivot (wght on Right), 6.00
3, 4Step L Back, Step R fwd
5, 6,Full Right turn fwd stepping L, R,
7 & 8Shuffle fwd L, R, L

Wall 3 (12.00) Dance to count 14 # - Replace 7 & 8 (back lock) with Left Coaster (Left back, R Tog, Left Fwd)

Wall 6 (12.00) Dance to count 42 *** and replace 3 & 4 with
3, 4Cross L over R, Touch R beside L (Start Wall 7 at 12.00)

Last Wall 8 (6.00) dance to count 32 ^^ and add Stomp R to Right - Finish to the front.

Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), - Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email:
Marcia Langton: 03 9725 4604 - Mob: 0417 152 297 - Email:


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