(The dance was made to Mariestads Unica Revue)
Intro 16 count, start dance on heavy beat
Section 1: Right vine, kick with clap, left vine, kick with clap
1-4Right to side, left behind, right to side, kick left forward and clap
5-8Left to side, right behind, left to side, kick right forward and clap
Section 2: Toestrut forward, point to side - together
1-4Put right toe forward, drop heel down, put left toe forward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Styling: snap fingers when heel drops down
***) Restart
Section 3: Toestrut backward, point to side - together
1-4Touch right toe backward, drop heel down, touch left toe backward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Styling: snap fingers when heel drops down
Section 4: Step, 1/4 turn x2. Rockstep, 1/2 turn right-right forward, step together
1-4Step slightly forward on right, turn 1/4 to left (weight on left) x2
5-8Rock forward on right, recover, turn 1/2 right with right forward, step left together
***) Restart: after section 2 on wall 3 and on wall 6
Ending; after wall 12 there is 16 count left of music.
Toestrut forward, point to side - together
(=section 2) 1-4 Put right toe forward, drop heel down, put left toe forward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Toestrut backward, point to side - together
(=section 3) 9-12 Touch right toe backward, drop heel down, touch left toe backward, drop heel down
13-16Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Intro 16 count, start dance on heavy beat
Section 1: Right vine, kick with clap, left vine, kick with clap
1-4Right to side, left behind, right to side, kick left forward and clap
5-8Left to side, right behind, left to side, kick right forward and clap
Section 2: Toestrut forward, point to side - together
1-4Put right toe forward, drop heel down, put left toe forward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Styling: snap fingers when heel drops down
***) Restart
Section 3: Toestrut backward, point to side - together
1-4Touch right toe backward, drop heel down, touch left toe backward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Styling: snap fingers when heel drops down
Section 4: Step, 1/4 turn x2. Rockstep, 1/2 turn right-right forward, step together
1-4Step slightly forward on right, turn 1/4 to left (weight on left) x2
5-8Rock forward on right, recover, turn 1/2 right with right forward, step left together
***) Restart: after section 2 on wall 3 and on wall 6
Ending; after wall 12 there is 16 count left of music.
Toestrut forward, point to side - together
(=section 2) 1-4 Put right toe forward, drop heel down, put left toe forward, drop heel down
5-8Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together
Toestrut backward, point to side - together
(=section 3) 9-12 Touch right toe backward, drop heel down, touch left toe backward, drop heel down
13-16Touch right toe to side, step together, touch left toe to side, step together