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Lone Star Blues

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Mick Harris (UK) - October 2011
Lone Star Blues - George Strait : (CD: Here for a good time)
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Start : on vocals.

Rock fwd & back, shuffle fwd, rock, recover, fwd kick, coaster step.
1&2&rock fwd on R,hitch L up behind R,rock back on L,hitch R in front of L.
3&4shuffle fwd R.L.R.
5&6&rock fwd on L, hitch R up behind L, rock back on R, hitch L in front of R
7&8shuffle fwd L.R.L. (clap on rock fwd. & rock backwards)

Step, Behind, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Step Pivot, Behind Side Cross.
1-2step R to R side, step L behind R.
3&4turn ¼ R,shuffling R.L.R.
5-6step fwd on L. pivot turn ¼ R
7&8step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R. (6.00)

Unwind, Cross Unwind, Behind Side, Behind Side Cross
1-2.unwind ½ R
3-4step R across L,unwind ½ L.
5-6step L behind R,step R to R side.
7&8step L behind R, step R to R side, step L across R.

¼, ¼, Shuffle ½ Turn, Sailor ¼ Turn, Shuffle.
1-2turn ¼ L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L stepping back on L.
3&4½ turn shuffle L,(6.00),R.L.R.
5&6step L behind R, step ¼ L, step L in place, (1/4 sailor turn L).
7&8shuffle fwd R.L.R. (3.00)

Rock , Recover, Shuffle Back, Heel , Toe , Lockstep.
1-2rock fwd on L, recover on R.
3&4step back on L, step R beside l, step back on l.
5-6dig R heel fwd to R diagonal, touch R toe next to L.
7&8step fwd to R diagonal on R ,lock L behind R, step fwd on R.

Heel, Toe, Lockstep, Side , Behind, Scissor Step.
1-2dig L heel fwd to L diagonal, touch L toe next to R,
3&4step fwd to L diagonal on L, lock R behind L, step fwd on L.
5-6straighten up (12.00) stepping R to R side, step L behind R.
7&8step R to R side, slide L next to R, step R across L.

Walk,Walk,Shuffle Turn, Step, Rock Recover, Coaster Step.
1-2turning ¼ L,walk L,R. ( 9.00)
3&4shuffle complete turn R (L.R.L.)
5-6&step fwd on R, step and rock fwd on L, recover on R.
7&8step back on L, step R next to L, step fwd on L.

TAG: at the end of walls 2,4 & 5 - walk, walk R,L, and start again.


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