CopperKnob Stepsheets

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This City

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Guyton Mundy (USA), Will Craig (USA), Rob Glover (USA) & Carey Parson - September 2011
This City - Patrick Stump
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Dance Pattern: A,C,A,B,C,A,B, 1/2 of C,A,B

A Pattern – 32 counts
[1-8] sweeps forward, kick step lock step, step step, switch step, full hop turn
1-2Step forward on left as you sweep right forward, step forward on right as you sweep left forward
3&4kick left forward, step down on left, lock right behind left
&5step forward on left, step forward on right
&6(in place) slide right foot back as you slide left foot forward, slide right foot forward as you slide left foot back. (you will need to hop slightly)
7&8make a full turn over left shoulder as you hop twice on right foot and then end with weight on left

[9-16] back touch X2 (with chest pat) back, hook, full unwind
1-2step back diagonally to the right on right, touch left next to right (as you pat chest with right hand)
3-4step back diagonally to the left on left, touch right next to left (as you pat chest with right hand)
5-6step back diagonally to the right on right, hook left behind right
7-8unwind a full turn over left shoulder ending with weight on left

[17-24] side step, arms out, head dip, body roll up through arms, touch, full turn, kick ball cross
1-2(this will be on the sight diagonal to the right)step right to right side as you extend arms out in front of you, fingertips touching, (like your making a circle with your arms) dip head and upper body down like you are diving into the circle.
3-4Start rolling head back up as you pull arms back overtop of head , releasing fingertips at back of neck and continuing the body roll up dropping arms to neutral, touch left to left side
5-6make a 1/4 turn to left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right
7&8make a 1/4 turn to left as you kick left forward, step down on left, cross right over left

[25-32] side kicks, kicks with full turn, press out, heel swivel
1&2kick left to left, step left next to right, kick right to right
&3make a 1/4 turn to right stepping right next to left, make a 1/4 turn to right kicking left to left
&4make a 1/4 turn to right stepping left next to right, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping right to right side, ending in a press on the ball of the right foot
5&6swivel right heel out, swivel right heel in
&7&8swivel right heel out, swivel right heel in, swivel right heel out, swivel right heel in
(styling.. each time your heel swivels out slightly roll your body forward, each time the heel comes in slightly roll your body back. A nice smooth body roll forward and back.)

B Pattern – 32 counts
[1-8] CW sweep, out out, holds, side body roll, heel pop, hold
1-2-asweep right foot out forward and then to around to the right, step right to right side, step left slightly out to left side
3-4Hold, hold
5-6-abody roll down to the left,(bring right arm straight up with fist, you will be stretched out, body should be in a straight line down your right side with your right toe touching (count 5), pop right heel out, pop right heel back in
7-8hold, hold

[9-16] Roll up, chest pop, holds, box glide full turn
1-2-astand back up tall, pop chest out, bring chest back natural
3-4hold, hold
&5-6press down on ball of left foot, make a 1/4 turn to left as slide right foot back slightly and come to ball of right foot as you come to a flat footed on the left, pressing down on ball of right foot slide left foot into right as you make a 1/4 turn to left continuing the foot slightly forward and ending with weight on ball of left as you come flat footed on right
7-8make a 1/4 turn to the left as you press down on the ball left as you slide right foot to right side, coming to the ball of the right foot and flat footed on the left, make a 1/4 turn to the left as you press down on ball of right and slightly slide left to left side, coming flat footed on right with weight ending mostly on ball of left.

[17-32] Repeat counts 1-16

C Pattern – 64 counts
[1-8] Kick steps, Hook, unwind full turn, kick cross touch, kick cross, side step
1&2Kick right foot forward, step down on right, kick left foot forward,
&3-4step down on left, hook right behind left, unwind full turn to right, weight ending on left
5&6kick right foot forward, cross right over left. touch left slightly back to left
7&8kick left forward, cross left over right, step right to right side

[9-16] heel walks to right, hitch X2, side step, 1/2 turn weave
1&2&3walk right foot to right, heel, toe, heel, toe, heel,
4&5-6hitch left slightly, lower left, slightly hitch left, step down on left to left side
7&8step right behind left, step forward on left making a 1/4 turn to left, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping right to right side

[17-24] ball step side, 1/4 turn upper body, 1/4 turn lower body, ball step, step with sweep, hook, unwind
&1-2step left next to right, step right to right side, turn upper body a 1/4 turn to the left
3&4pivot on balls of both feet making a 1/4 turn to the left with lower body, bring left next to right on the ball of left foot, step back on right
5-6step forward on left as you sweep right foot forward, step forward on right
7-8hook left behind right, unwind a full turn ending with weight on left

[25-32] side rock/recover, ball rock/recover, ball rock, 1/4 turn coaster, step
1-2rock right out to right side, recover on left
&3-4bring right to left, rock left out to left side, recover on right
&5bring left into right, rock right out to right side
6&7make a 1/4 turn to the left while stepping back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
8step forward on right

[33-40] forward rock with shoulder roll, step together X2, Tut
1-2Rock forward on left (as you roll arms and shoulders in a CCW motion from lower chest out to left into a half circle down to waist level , step back together with left as you reverse the arms back to the starting position.)
3-4rock forward on right (as you roll arms and shoulders in a CW motion from lower chest out to the right into a half circle down to waist level, step back together with right as you reverse the arms back to the start position.)
5&6step left out to left side. as you bring both arms in front of chest, bent at elbows, left arm on top of right(5), slide right arm to right, left arm to left until left palm is on the back of right hand(&), extend right arm forward as you keep left hand on top of right arm, letting right arm slide underneath left hand until left hand is at elbow joint(6).
&7bend right arm at elbow up towards you as you flex wrist so that right palm is facing down at the same time letting left hand slide up the arm until the left palm is on the back of the right hand(&) drop left elbow down so that left forearm is straight up and down, as you lift right elbow up keeping left hand on the back of the right(7)
&8make a 1/4 turn pivot to the left on the heel of left and ball of right(&). slide right hand down to the inside of the left elbow(8).

[41-48] Tut, Walk, walk
1&2extend right wrist out as you drop left arm on top of right(1), bend left hand down at wrist as you bend right hand up at wrist making a box with your arms(&), rotate left arm inwards and down as you rotate right arm outwards and up while bending left hand at wrist up and right wrist down keeping fingertips connected at elbows (2)
&3extend right arm up, bent at elbow, flexing left hand at wrist so that palm is facing to the left and fingers forward and back of left hand on the inside of right elbow(&), slide back of left hand up to the palm of right(3)
&4drop left elbow as you raise right elbow(&), extend left hand forward straightening left arm, as right hand slides back to left elbow (4)
5-6make a 1/4 turn to the right on the balls of both feet as you close left arm into chest letting right hand slide over top until the on the back of left hand(5). pull right arm out to the right slightly at the same to pull the left arm slightly out to the left as you turn palms into chest and make like you are holding a big ball into your chest(6)
7-8walk forward right, left while dropping arms to neutral.

[49-56] forward weave, arm pops, side body roll
1&2step forward on right, lock left behind, step forward on right
&3&step forward on left, lock right behind, step forward on left
4step forward on right, with arms extended out forward, right arm slightly higher than left, right wrist bent with fingers pointing down, left wrist bent with fingers pointed up
&5lift right heel, as you flex right wrist pointing up, flex left wrist pointing fingers down, put heel down as you return hands to first position
6-7-8make a body roll to the left as you drag right foot towards left

[57-64] cross rock/recover, side, cross rock/recover, hook , unwind full turn, back X3
1&2cross rock right over left, recover on left, step right to right side
3&4cross rock left over right, recover on right, hook left behind right
5-6unwind a full turn over left with weight ending on left
7&8walk back right, left, right

On the 1/2 of the C pattern do up to count 32 and then restart part A


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