CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jar of Hearts

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Intermediate / Advances NC2S
Yeo Yu Puay (MY) - September 2011
Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri : (Single)
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Intro: 32 counts

[1-8] R Basic, ¼ step, ½ chase turn, 1½ turn sweep, Behind side
1-2&Step R to right(1), Rock L behind R(2), Recover weight onto R(&)
3-4&Turning ¼ left, step L forward(3), Step R forward(4), Turn ½ left, shifting weight to L(&) (3.00)
5-6&Step R forward(5), Turning ½ right, step L back(6), Turning ½ right, step R beside L(&)
7-8&Turning ½ right, step L beside R, sweeping out R at the same time(7), Step R behind L(8), Step L to left(&) (9.00)
Note: the 1½ turn (6&7) is done on the spot

[9-16] Cross rock side (R & L), Forward rock hitch, ¼ turn, Side cross side
1-2&Cross rock R over L(1), Recover weight onto L(2), Step R to right(&)
3-4&Cross rock L over R(3), Recover weight onto R(4), Step L to left(&)
5-6Rock R forward(5), Recover weight onto L, hitching R(6)
7&8&Keeping R hitched, turn ¼ right on L(7), Step R to right(&), Cross L over R(8), Step R to right(&), (12.00)
RESTART here on walls 1 (facing 12.00) & 4 (facing 6.00) – change the last step to a R touch beside L, then restart

[17-24] Behind sweep, Behind side cross, 5/8 turn, Step, Side Rock Cross travelling forward (R & L)
1-2&Step L behind R, sweeping out R back(1), Step R behind L(2), Step L to left(&)
3-4&Cross R over L(3), Turning ¼ right, step L back(4), Turning 3/8 right, step R beside L(&) (7.30)
5-6&7Step L forward (5), Rock R to right(6), Recover weight onto L(&), Cross R over L(7)
&8&Rock L to left(&), Recover weight onto R(8), Cross L over R(&) (7.30)
Note: the 5/8 turn (4&) is also done on the spot

[25-32] Point, Forward Mambo with sweep, Back sweep, Sailor Step, Cross full unwind, Side rock cross
1-2&Point R to right(1), Rock R forward(2), Recover weight onto L(&)
3-4Step R back, sweeping L back(3), Step L back, sweeping R back(4) (still facing 7.30)
5&6Step R behind L(5), Step L to left, squaring up to 9.00(&), Step R to right(6),
&7&8&Cross L over R(&), Unwind full turn right, weight on R(7), Rock L to left(&), Recover weight onto R(8), Cross L over R(&) (9.00)

Start again!

TAG 1: At the end of walls 2 (facing 9.00) & 5 (facing 3.00), add this:
[1-4] Basics (R & L)
1-2&Step R to right(1), Rock L behind R(2), Recover weight onto R(&)
3-4&Step L to left(3), Rock R behind L(4), Recover weight onto L(&)

TAG 2: At the end of wall 6 (facing 12.00), add this:
[1-8] Basics (R and L), Side together point and prep, Full turn (travelling towards the right) cross
1-2&Step R to right(1), Rock L behind R(2), Recover weight onto R(&)
3-4&Step L to left(3), Rock R behind L(4), Recover weight onto L(&)
5&6Step R to right(5), Step L beside R(&), Point R toe to right, preparing shoulders for upcoming turn(6)
7&8&Turning ¼ right, step R forward(7), turning ½ right, step L back(&), turning ¼ right, step R to right(8), Cross L over R(&)

Enjoy the dance!

Contact - Yu Puay:


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