CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chris Mann (AUS) - March 2011
Simple and Clean - Hikaru Utada : (Album: This Is The One - 5:03)
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Begin after 36 counts (or 4 counts of silence) with weight on the left foot.

[1-8] Roll ½ forward, shuffle back, rock back, recover, samba forward
1, 2, 3&4Step forward on right, turn ½ right and step back on left, shuffle back stepping right, left, right
5, 6Rock back on right, recover weight on left
7&8Step forward on left, rock right to side, recover weight on left

[9-16] Cross, rock, side, cross shuffle, side rock cross shuffle
1, 2, 3Rock right across left, recover weight on left, step right to side
4&5Cross shuffle left over right stepping left, right, left
6&7&8Rock right to side, recover weight on left, cross shuffle right over left stepping right, left, right

[17-24] ¼ turn, coaster back, coaster forward, coaster back with pivot ½
1, 2&3Turn ¼ right and step back on left, step right back, left beside right, step right forward
4&5Step left forward, right beside left, left back
6&7, 8&Step right back, left beside right, right forward, turn ½ left transferring weight to left, step right beside left

[25-32] Diagonal rock, recover, shuffle x2
1, 2, 3&4Rock left slightly forward, replace weight on right, shuffle diagonally forward-left stepping left, right, left
5, 6, 7&8Rock right slightly forward, replace weight on left, shuffle diagonally forward-right stepping right, left, right

[33-40] Cross, back, side x2, cross rock, recover, sailor ½
1&2, 3&4Step left across right, step right back, step left to side, step right across left, step left back, step right to side
5, 6Rock left across right, recover weight on right
7&8Step left behind right, turn ½ left and step right to side, step left forward (*)

[41-48] Cross, point, behind, ¼, step x2
1, 2Step right across left, point left to side
3&4Step left behind right, step right to side and turn ¼ right, step left forward
5-8Repeat last 4 counts

[49-56] Rock forward, recover, triple 1½ back, step together, rock back, recover, pivot ½
1, 2Rock forward on right, recover weight on left
3&4Turn 1½ right travelling back and stepping right, left, right (alt: shuffle ½ turn)
&5, 6Step left beside right, rock back on right, recover weight on left
7, 8Step forward on right, turn ½ left transferring weight to left

[57-64] Step forward, tap, back, rock forward, ½ turn switch, rock forward, shuffle back, forward
1, 2Step forward on right, touch left beside right
&3, 4&Step back on left, rock forward on right, recover weight on left, step right beside left turning ½ right
5, 6&7, 8Rock forward on left, shuffle back stepping right, left, right, step left forward

[64] Repeat dance facing new wall (dance turns counter-clockwise)

Restart: On wall 2, dance up to count 40(*), then begin the dance again.

Finish: On wall 7, dance up to count 40(*), but sailor turn ¾ to face the front.

Contact: chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au


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