CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crucify You

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Phrased Intermediate
Paul Culshaw (UK) - June 2011
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
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Note: Sequence – A – B – A – C – A – B – A – C – A – A – A – A – C
Sections B and C always start and end on the same wall.
Intro: 32 counts

PART A (32 counts)
[1-8] R Touch, Tap, Hitch, Step, Heel Twist, ¼ Turn Sweep, Weave, Monterey Turn L
1&2Touch RF to R, Tap RF in place, hitch R knee
3&4Step RF down slightly in front, twist heels to R keeping upper body facing 12 o’clock, ¼ turn over R placing weight onto LF and sweeping RF anticlockwise
5&6Step RF behind LF, step LF in place, cross RF over LF
7,8Keeping weight on RF touch LF to left, make a full turn over left. (Alternative to the turn you can touch LF to L, and then touch LF next to RF)

[9-16] Slide To R & Touch, Slide to L & Touch, Heel Touches x 3, Step LF In Place.
1, 2Travelling slightly forward slide to the R, touch LF next to RF
3, 4Travelling slightly forward slide to the L, touch RF next to LF
5&Touch R heel forward, step RF next to LF
6&Touch L heel forward, step LF next to RF
7&Touch R heel forward, step RF next to LF
8Step LF in next to RF placing the weight onto it.

[17-24] Out Out And Cross, ¼ Turns (Anticlockwise) Step Touches x 4, R Kickball Change
&1&2Step RF slightly out to R, step LF slightly out to L, step RF in place, cross LF over RF
3&¼ turn L stepping onto R, touch LF next to RF
4&¼ turn L stepping onto L, touch RF next to LF
5&¼ turn L stepping onto R, touch LF next to RF
6&¼ turn L stepping onto L, touch RF next to LF
7&8Kick RF forward, step RF in place, step and place weight onto LF

[25-32] Dorothy Step R, Dorothy Step L, Step Forward R ¼ Pivot L, ¼ Pivot R, Step Together
1,2&Travelling forward step RF diagonal R, step LF behind RF, step RF next to LF
3,4&Travelling forward step LF diagonal L, step RF behind LF, step LF next to RF
5,6Step RF forward, ¼ pivot to left keeping weight between both feet
7,8¼ pivot to R, stepping LF together keeping weight between both feet.

PART B (32 counts)
[1-8] Skates x 4, Chugs Making ½ turn L
1,2,3,4Travelling forward skating RF LF RF LF ending with weight on LF
5,6,7,8Keeping weight on LF tap RF four times making ½ turn over L. At the same time gently switch shoulders forward and back.

[9-16] Waving Arms R L R L, Step ½ turn L x 2
1,2,3,4With arms above your head switch them from R to L to R to L
5,6Step forward R, ½ turn over L
7,8Step forward R, ½ turn over L
[17-24] Repeat section 1-8
[25-32] Repeat section 9-16

PART C (16 counts)
[1-8] Sweeps x3, Ball Change, Hip Bumps R, Hip Bumps L
&1,2,3Travelling back step onto RF, sweep LF behind RF, place weight onto LF sweeping RF behind LF, place weight onto RF sweeping LF behind RF
&4Step onto LF, step RF slightly forward
5&6Hip bumps R L R ending with the weight on the RF
7&8Stepping forward onto LF – Hip bumps L R L

[9-16] Run R L R, Shuffles x 3 making a full circle
1&2Small quick steps forward R L R
3&4Shuffle round ¼ to L – L R L
5&6Shuffle round ¼ to L – R L R
7&8Shuffle round ½ to L – L R L

Enjoy. Happy Dancing :o)



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