CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lady Luck!

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Intermediate / Advanced Funky WC
Niels Poulsen (DK) - May 2011
Lady Luck - Jamie Woon
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Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music (app. 19 secs into track). Weight on L

[1 – 8] Point touch side, together knee pop, ¼ L pop prep, run around ½ L
1&2Bend L leg pointing R to R (1), touch R next to L (&), step R a big step R dragging L towards R (2) [12:00]
3&4Straighten L leg stepping L next to R (3), pop both knees fw (&), stomp heels down strongly (4) [12:00]
5&6Turn ¼ L stepping L to L (5), pop R knee to L (&), return R knee to centre prepping upper body R (6) [9:00]
7&8Turn ¼ L stepping down on L (7), turn 1/8 L stepping R fw (&), turn 1/8 L stepping L fw (8) [3:00]

[9 – 16] Jazz box ½ R, spin ½ R, side L, R and L heel pop, R back rock, ¼ L X 2
1 – 3Cross R over L (1), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (2), turn ¼ R stepping fw on R (3) [9:00]
&4Spin ½ R on R hitching L knee (&), step L to L side (4) [3:00]
5&6&Twist R heel to L (5), return heel to centre (&), twist L heel to R (6), return heel to centre (&) [3:00]
7&8&Rock back on R (7), recover L (&), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (8), turn ¼ L stepping fw on L (&) [9:00]

[17 – 24] Rock, recover ¼ R, sailor ¼ R with prep, ½ L, reverse ½ R, step turn step
1 – 2Rock fw on R (1), recover back on L turning ¼ R with a R sweep to R side (2) [12:00]
3&4Cross R behind L (3), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), step R fw prepping upper body to R side (4) [3:00]
5 – 6Turn ½ L stepping onto L prepping upper body to L side (5), reverse turn ½ R stepping onto R (6) [3:00]
7&8Step fw on L (7), turn ½ R stepping onto R (&), step fw on L (8) [9:00]

[25 – 32] Ball step, heel swivels, L coaster, R kick & L heel &, R jazz box ¼ R, cross
&1&2Step R next to L (&), place L fw (1), swivel both heels L (&), return heels to centre (2) [9:00]
3&4Step back on L (3), step R next to L (&), step fw on L (4) [9:00]
5&6&Cross kick R over L (5), step R to R side (&), touch L heel over R (6), step L to L side (&) [9:00]
7&8&Cross R over L (7), turn ¼ R stepping back on L (&), step R to R side (8), cross L over R (&) [12:00]

[33 – 40] Side R, L back rock, side L, R back rock, roll out R, roll out L, mambo ½ R,
1 – 2&Step R a big step to R side (go low!) (1), rock back on L (2), recover on R (&) [12:00]
3 – 4&Step L a big step to L side (go low!) (3), rock back on R (4), recover on L (&) [12:00]
5 – 6Roll R knee from L to R stepping R to R side (5), roll L knee from R to L stepping L to L side (6) [12:00]
7&8Rock fw on R (7), recover back on L (&), turn ½ R on L stepping fw on R (8) [6:00]

[41 – 48] Ball step, walk L, R anchor step, back L, travelling lock steps back
&1 – 2Step L next to R (&), step R a big step fw (1), walk fw L (2) [6:00]
3&4, 5Step R behind L (3), slightly lock L over R (&), step R back (4), step L back opening foot to 3:00 (5) [6:00]
6&7Cross R over L (6), step back on L (&), step R diagonally back R (7) [6:00]
&8&Cross L over R (&), step back on R (8), step L diagonally back L (&) [6:00]

[49 – 56] Cross rock & cross rock, ¼ L, fw R, pop R knee fw, recover, R sailor ¼ R, fw on L
1 – 2&Cross rock R over L (1), recover back on L (2), step R a small step to R side (&) [6:00]
3 – 4&Cross rock L over R (3), recover back on R (4), turn ¼ L stepping fw on L (&) [3:00]
5&6Place R foot fw (5), pop both knees fw (&), step down on feet again – weight L (6) [3:00]
7&8&Cross R behind L (7), turn ¼ R stepping L next to R (&), step fw on R (8), step fw on L (&) [6:00]

[57 – 64] R scuff hitch, R back rock, touch with R, diagonal back touches R L R L
1&Scuff R heel fw (1), hitch R knee (&) [6:00]
2 – 4Rock/lean back on R pushing your bum backwards (2), recover on L (3), touch R next to L (4) [6:00]
5&6&Step R diagonally back (5), touch L next to R (&), step L diagonally back (6), touch R next to L (&) [6:00]
7&8&Step R diagonally back (7), touch L next to R (&), step L diagonally back (8), touch R next to L (&) – Styling for the step touches: bend in your knees and split knees apart on all single counts, bring knees together on the & counts [6:00]

Begin again!...

Tag: After wall 3, facing 6:00. Add this tag, then restart dance: Stomp R to R side (1), hold (2), step L next to R (&), stomp R to R side (3), hold (4), step L next to R (&), rock R to R side (5), recover on L (6), cross R behind L (7), step L to L side (&), touch R next to L (8) [6:00]

Ending: You’ll automatically end facing 12:00. Do up to count 49 on 5th wall cross stomping R over L [12:00]

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