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Fire To The Rain

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Bruno - May 2011
Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
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Intro: 16 counts

Syncopated Weave End With Point, Sailor ½ Turn R Cross, ¼ Turn R, ½ Turn R
1-2step right aside, cross left behind right,
&3-4step right aside, cross left right, point right aside
5&6step right behind left with ½ turn right, step left next to right, step right across left
7-8step forward on left with ¼ turn left , step back on right with ½ turn left

Step Back, Touch, Shuffle, Step, ½ Turn L, Coaster Step
1-2step back on left, touch right next to left
3&4step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5-6step forward on left, ½ turn left and step back on right
7&8step back on left, step right next to left, step forward on left

Rock Step, Rock Step, ¼ Turn L Side Rock, Cross Shuffle
1-2rock forward on right, recover on left
&3-4step right next to left, rock forward on left, recover on right
&5-6step left next to right, ¼ turn left and rock right aside, recover on left
7&8cross right over left, step left aside, cross right over left

Step, Hold, Step, Touch, Rolling Vine
1-2step left aside, hold
&3-4step right next to left, step left aside, touch right next to left
Restart in the 2nd and 4th walls
5-6¼ turn right and step forward on right, ¼ turn right and step left aside
7-8½ turn right and step right aside, touch left next to right

Diag. Back, Lock, Step, Diag. Back, Lock, Monterey Turn With Hitch
1-2step diag. back on left, cross right in front of left
&3-4step back on left, step diag. back on right, cross left in front of right
5-6point right aside, ½ turn right and step right next to left
7-8point left aside, lift left knee

Rocking Chair, Syncopated Jazzbox Cross, Point
1-2rock forward on left, recover on right
3-4rock back on left, recover on right
5-6cross left over right, step back on right
&7-8step left aside, cross right over left, point left aside

Step, Point, Sailor ½ Turn R, Step, Point, Sailor ¼ Turn R
1-2step forward on left, point right aside
3&4step right behind left with ½ turn right, step left next to right, step forward on right
5-6step forward on left, point right aside
7&8step right behind left with ¼ turn right, step left next to right, step forward on right

Pivot Turn, Shuffle ½ Turn, Slide, Slide, Back Rock
1-2step forward on left, ½ turn right
3&4shuffle ½ turn l-r-l
5-6slide back on right, slide back on left
7-8rock back on right, recover on left

Revised on site - 8th July 2011


dancingqueen June 2, 2011
Hi Bruno great dance to fab track but could u give a direction or O'clocks to first 8 counts huge thank you

angel June 26, 2011
Hello Bruno, i really like you're dance but can you discribe the directions please at section 1 /7-8, at section 2 /5-6, at section 3 /&5-6, at section 4 / 5-8, i hope you see this really sone so i can teach this dance to my classes!
Thank you

George June 26, 2011
Hi Both,

Bruno is away in Spain and will resolve the directional issues when he gets home early in July.


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