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The Edge

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Intermediate / Advanced
Joanna Wingrove (UK) - May 2011
The Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga : (5:20)
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Intro: 16 counts (from when beats kick in/ start when she sings).

[1-8] Left side rock, recover, left sailor step, behind ¼ side, back, cross.
1,2 -Rock left to left side, recover on Right.
3&4 -Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side.
5&6 -Step Right behind Left, step Left forward ¼ turn Left, step Right to Right side.
7,8 -Step Left back, cross Right in front of Left.

[9-16] Unwind ¼, & pivot turn ½, & pivot turn ½, side cross, point out, in, drag.
1 -Unwind ¼ turn left (weight on Left.)
&2,3 -Step Right to Right side, cross left over Right, unwind ½ turn Right (weight on Right.)
&4,5 -Step Left to Left side, cross Right over Left, unwind ½ turn Left (weight on Left.)
&6 -Step Right to Right side, cross Left over Right.
7&8 -Point Right to Right side, touch Right next to Left, Right long step to Right side.

[17-24] Hold, left ball change, touch, twist heels forward back,, coaster step, skate, skate ¼.
1 -Hold.
&2 -Step Left back, step Right forward. (Left ball change)
3&4 -Touch Left toe forward, twist both heels Left, twist both heels back. (weight on Right)
5&6 -Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward.
7,8 -Skate right to right diagonal, skate left ¼ turn left.

[25-32] Lock step, step ½ left, touch unwind ½ left, &cross step, &cross step,
&1 -Lock Right behind Left, step left forward.
2 -½ turn Left stepping Right back.
3,4 -Touch left toe back, unwind ½ turn Left (weight on Left.)
&5,6 -Step Right back, cross Left over Right, step Right back.
&7,8 -Step Left back, cross Right over Left, step Left back.

[33-40] &walk, point, walk point, walk point, walk point.
&1,2 -Step Right next to Left, walk Left forward, ¼ left pointing Right to Right side.
3,4 -¼ turn Right stepping Right forward, ¼ turn Right pointing Left to Left side.
5,6 -¼ turn Left stepping Left forward, ¼ turn left pointing Right to Right side.
7,8 -¼ turn Right stepping Right forward, ¼ Right pointing Left to Left side.

[41-48] Left coaster step, skate, skate ¼, lock step, step ½ left, touch unwind ½ left.
1&2 -Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward.
3,4 -Skate right to right diagonal, skate left ¼ turn left.
&5 -Lock right behind left, step left forward.
6 -½ turn left stepping right back.
7,8 -Touch left toe back, unwind ½ turn left (weight on left.)

[49-56] Right side rock cross, Left side rock cross, pivot ½, pivot ¼.
1&2 -Rock right to right side, recover on left, cross right in front of left.
3&4 -Rock left to left side, recover on right, cross left in front of right.
5,6 -Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left (weight on left.)
7,8 -Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left.)

[57-64] Point right forward, side, forward, step, point left forward, side, forward, step, side rock recover, step.
1,2 -Point right forward, point right to right side.
3&4 -Point right forward, step right next to left, point left forward.
5,6& -Point left to left side, point left forward, step left next to right.
7,8& -Rock right to right side, recover on left, step right next to left.

Wall 2 - Dance up to and including count 32, then step right forward ¼ Right on & count, restart dance facing front wall from beginning.
Wall 4 - Dance up to and including count 20, restart dance facing front wall from beginning.
Wall 6 - Same as Wall 2 restart.

Tag: Wall 9 -
At the end of this wall facing the back is an 8 count tag and restart:
1,2 -Rock left to left side, recover on Right.
3,4 -Walk forward Left, walk forward right.
5,6 -Left forward rock, recover back right.
7&8 -Rock left to left side, recover on right, touch left toe next to right.


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