Count in – 32 counts from the beginning of the song. 2/4 wall.
[1-8] Lunge, Sweep , Sailor ¼ Rock Recover, Step Back, Step ½ , ¼ Rock & Cross.
1, 2Lunge step right foot forward, recover back on left as you sweep right foot around to the right.
3&4Step right behind left, step left forward making ¼ turn left, rock forward on right.
& 5Recover back on left, step back on right.
6Step left forward making ½ turn left.
7&8Rock right out to right making ¼ turn left, recover onto left, cross right over left.
[9-16] Rock & Cross, Step Twist, Twist, Sweep ¾ , Sailor Cross, Sway, Sway.
1&2Rock left out to left, recover onto right, cross left over right.
3&4Step right to right as you twist the top half of your body to the left, twist the top half of your body to the right, sweep left around making ¾ turn left.
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
7, 8Sway hips to right side, sway hips to left side.
*Restarts 1 and 2 happen here*
[17-24] Cross Back Together, Cross Back Together, Monterey ½ , Rock & Cross.
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left.
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left next to right.
(Moving back slightly as you do these steps)
5, 6Point right to right, make ½ turn right as you step right next to left.
7&8Rock left out to left, recover back onto right, cross left over right.
[25-32] Right Basic, ¾ Lift, Run, Run, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross.
12&Step right to right, rock left behind right, recover onto right.
3Step left back as you make ¾ turn right as lift right foot off the ground.
4&5Step right forward, Step left forward, rock forward on right.
6Recover back onto left.
7&8Step back on right, step left next to right, cross right over left.
*Restart 3 happens here*
[33-40] & Step, Pop Sweep ¼ , Sailor, Step, Rock & Cross & Cross.
&1Step left to left, step right next to left.
(position your body to right diagonal)
&2Pop both knees forward slightly, as you bring knees back down put weight onto right and sweep left around making ¼ turn left.
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left.
5Step forward on right.
6&7Rock left to left side, recover back onto right, cross right over left.
&8Step right to right, cross left over right.
[41-48] Step ¼ , Step ¼ Cross Side Together Cross, Step ¼ , Step ½ , Step ½ Step, Ball Step, Step
1, 2Step back on right making ¼ turn left, step left to left making ¼ turn left.
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left.
&5Cross left over right, step back on right making1/4 turn left.
6, 7Step forward on left making ½ turn left, step right forward.
&8&Pivot ½ turn left, step right next to left, step left forward.
*Restart 1 happens on the 3rd wall, you will restart the dance on the 3 o’clock wall. (you will dance the dance as a 2 wall dance on the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock walls)
*Restart 2 happens on the 6th wall, you will restart the dance on the 6 o’clock wall.
*Restart 3 happens on the 7th wall, you will be facing the 12 o’clock wall.
On restart 3 on counts 7&8 instead of doing a coaster cross, do a coaster step and then add an & count stepping left next to right, start again lunging right.
Dance the dance as normal after 3rd restart!
Have fun and let loose! :D
Contact: Email:
[1-8] Lunge, Sweep , Sailor ¼ Rock Recover, Step Back, Step ½ , ¼ Rock & Cross.
1, 2Lunge step right foot forward, recover back on left as you sweep right foot around to the right.
3&4Step right behind left, step left forward making ¼ turn left, rock forward on right.
& 5Recover back on left, step back on right.
6Step left forward making ½ turn left.
7&8Rock right out to right making ¼ turn left, recover onto left, cross right over left.
[9-16] Rock & Cross, Step Twist, Twist, Sweep ¾ , Sailor Cross, Sway, Sway.
1&2Rock left out to left, recover onto right, cross left over right.
3&4Step right to right as you twist the top half of your body to the left, twist the top half of your body to the right, sweep left around making ¾ turn left.
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
7, 8Sway hips to right side, sway hips to left side.
*Restarts 1 and 2 happen here*
[17-24] Cross Back Together, Cross Back Together, Monterey ½ , Rock & Cross.
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left.
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left next to right.
(Moving back slightly as you do these steps)
5, 6Point right to right, make ½ turn right as you step right next to left.
7&8Rock left out to left, recover back onto right, cross left over right.
[25-32] Right Basic, ¾ Lift, Run, Run, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross.
12&Step right to right, rock left behind right, recover onto right.
3Step left back as you make ¾ turn right as lift right foot off the ground.
4&5Step right forward, Step left forward, rock forward on right.
6Recover back onto left.
7&8Step back on right, step left next to right, cross right over left.
*Restart 3 happens here*
[33-40] & Step, Pop Sweep ¼ , Sailor, Step, Rock & Cross & Cross.
&1Step left to left, step right next to left.
(position your body to right diagonal)
&2Pop both knees forward slightly, as you bring knees back down put weight onto right and sweep left around making ¼ turn left.
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left.
5Step forward on right.
6&7Rock left to left side, recover back onto right, cross right over left.
&8Step right to right, cross left over right.
[41-48] Step ¼ , Step ¼ Cross Side Together Cross, Step ¼ , Step ½ , Step ½ Step, Ball Step, Step
1, 2Step back on right making ¼ turn left, step left to left making ¼ turn left.
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left, step right next to left.
&5Cross left over right, step back on right making1/4 turn left.
6, 7Step forward on left making ½ turn left, step right forward.
&8&Pivot ½ turn left, step right next to left, step left forward.
*Restart 1 happens on the 3rd wall, you will restart the dance on the 3 o’clock wall. (you will dance the dance as a 2 wall dance on the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock walls)
*Restart 2 happens on the 6th wall, you will restart the dance on the 6 o’clock wall.
*Restart 3 happens on the 7th wall, you will be facing the 12 o’clock wall.
On restart 3 on counts 7&8 instead of doing a coaster cross, do a coaster step and then add an & count stepping left next to right, start again lunging right.
Dance the dance as normal after 3rd restart!
Have fun and let loose! :D
Contact: Email: