Beginner ./ Intermediate
Dance starts on the words "Theme for a dream", after Cliff sings "You are my"
[1-8] Step, Lock, Step, Scuff, Step, Lock Step Scuff
1-4Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, step right diagonally forward, scuff left heel diagonally to left
5-8Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonally forward, scuff right heel forward
[9-16] Rocking Chair, ¼ Turn, Stomp Twice
1-4Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left)
7-8Stomp right together, stomp left together
[17-32] Grapevines Twice, Skates Twice, Hip Bumps X4
1-4Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, scuff left forward
5-8Vine left, scuff right forward
1-2Skate right diagonally forward, hold for one count, Spread hands out to sides, palms down
3-4Skate left diagonally forward, hold for one count, Spread hands out to sides, palms down
5Step right diagonally forward, bumping hips forward
6-8Bump hips 3 more times back left, forward right, back left (weight to left)
TAG: At the END of wall 2 (6:00) and at the END of wall 5 (9:00)
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Right Heel Touch, Left Heel Touch
1-2Stomp right forward, hold for one count, Spread hands, palms down
3-4Stomp left forward, hold for one count, Spread hands, palms down
5-6Touch right heel forward, step on right in place
7-8Touch left heel forward, step on left in place
[1-8] Step, Lock, Step, Scuff, Step, Lock Step Scuff
1-4Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind right, step right diagonally forward, scuff left heel diagonally to left
5-8Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind left, step left diagonally forward, scuff right heel forward
[9-16] Rocking Chair, ¼ Turn, Stomp Twice
1-4Rock right forward, recover to left, rock right back, recover to left
5-6Step right forward, turn ¼ left (weight to left)
7-8Stomp right together, stomp left together
[17-32] Grapevines Twice, Skates Twice, Hip Bumps X4
1-4Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, scuff left forward
5-8Vine left, scuff right forward
1-2Skate right diagonally forward, hold for one count, Spread hands out to sides, palms down
3-4Skate left diagonally forward, hold for one count, Spread hands out to sides, palms down
5Step right diagonally forward, bumping hips forward
6-8Bump hips 3 more times back left, forward right, back left (weight to left)
TAG: At the END of wall 2 (6:00) and at the END of wall 5 (9:00)
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Right Heel Touch, Left Heel Touch
1-2Stomp right forward, hold for one count, Spread hands, palms down
3-4Stomp left forward, hold for one count, Spread hands, palms down
5-6Touch right heel forward, step on right in place
7-8Touch left heel forward, step on left in place