CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Boots On

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Cef Decaney (USA) - February 2011
Boots On - Randy Houser
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Dance starts 32 counts into music and just before the lyrics start

Walk forward, fwd coaster, walk back, back coaster
1-2walk right then left
3&4coaster fwd right, left together, step back right
5-6walk back left then right
7&8coaster back left, right together, step forward left

Right side rock/cross, left side rock/cross, right heel grind, stomp x 3
1&2step right to right side, return weight to left, cross right over left
3&4step left to left side, return weight to right, cross left over right
5-6put right heel forward and grind left to right
7&8step or stomp in place right, left, right
(3rd wall restart, tap right so You can step out with the restart)

Left heel taps x2, Sailor step with ¼ turn, Right heel taps x2, Sailor step
1-2tap left heel forward x2
3&4swing left foot back turning ¼ turn to left, place right next to left, Change wieght to left foot
5-6tap right heel forward x2
7&8swing right foot behind left, place left next to right, change weight to Right foot

Step Forward, touch together & clap, Step forward, touch & clap, Step back, Touch together & clap, step back, step together
1-2Step left foot forward, touch right next to left and clap
3-4Step right foot forward, touch left next to right and clap
5-6Step left foot back, touch right next to left and clap
7-8Step back right, step back left placing weight on left

Step forward pivot ½ turn to left, step forward pivot ½ turn to left
1-2Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the left
3-4Step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn to the left

Start Again from the beginning.

Restart on 3rd wall after first 16 counts.


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