CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Jacob Ballard (USA) - January 2011
Grenade - Bruno Mars
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Start 32 counts in after lyrics when main beat comes in

Side, Behind, ¼, Side, Sailor Step, Side, Behind, Sweep ½, Coaster Step
1&2&step right to side, cross left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward, step left to side
3&4right sailor step
5&6cross left behind right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward, step left forward sweeping right around ½ turn right (should now be facing 12:00)
7&8right coaster step

Step, Lock, Out-Out, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, And Step, Twist Heels
1-2step left forward, lock right behind left
&3&4step left to side, step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side
5-6cross rock left over right, recover to right
&7&8step left to side, step right forward (with weight still on left), twist both heels right, twist both he els back to center
RESTART: Restart after count 16 on wall 8

Walk, Walk, And Cross Rock, Side, Cross, Side Rock , Behind, Side, Cross
1-2step right forward, step left forward
&3&4turn ¼ left stepping right to side, cross rock left over right, recover to right, step left to side
5cross right over left
6&7&8rock left to side, recover to right, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left over right
RESTART: Restart after count 24 on wall 6

¼, Step Pivot, Step, ¼, ½, Sweep Full Turn
1turn ¼ right stepping right forward
2-3step left forward, pivot ½ right
4&5step left forward, turn ¼ left stepping right to side, turn ½ left stepping left to side
6-8sweep right around full turn left with right knee slightly popped out


TAG: At the END of wall 3 do this 8 count tag
1-2step right to side, touch left behind right
3-4step left to side, touch right in front of left
5-6step right to side, cross left over right
7-8unwind full turn


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