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William Sevone (UK) - December 2010
Imagine - John Lennon
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Dance sequence:- 48-48-24+8-48-24+Finale
Choreographers note:- Read the notes for the dance Start, Short Wall and Finale. Though the dance is a four wall,
the walls do not follow a ‘normal’ sequence. The ‘end of wall’ sequence is as follows: 6-3-12-9-12.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.

The dance starts on the main vocals with the dancer facing 9:00 - right toe touching backward, shoulders and head turned right.

Step. 1/2 Pivot. Forward. Step. 1/2 Pivot. 1/4 Side. Sailor (12:00)
1 – 2(facing 9) Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (weight on left) (3).
3 – 4Step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
5 – 6Pivot ½ right (weight on right) (9). Turn ¼ right & step left to left side (12).
7& 8Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.

Behind. 1/4 Forward. 1/2 Sweep Forward. 1/4 Side. 1/2 Sweep Behind. Sway-Recover (12:00)
9 – 10Step left behind right. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (3).
11 – 12Turning ½ right – sweep left foot from back & stepping forward onto left (2 counts) (9).
13Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (6)
14 – 15Turning ½ left – sweep left foot from side & stepping behind right (2 counts) (12)
&16Step/sway right to right side, recover sway onto left.

1/2 Side. Large Fwd. Slow. 1/2 Together. Large Back. Slow Together (12:00)
17 – 18Turn ½ right & step right to right side (6). Large step forward onto left.
19 – 20Slow step right toward left - foot off floor. (2 counts)
21 – 22Turn ½ left & step right foot next to left (12). Large step backward onto left.
23 – 24Slow step right next to left – place weight on right (2 counts).
Short Wall: On Wall 3, after count 24 perform counts 41 to 48
Dance Finale: On Wall 5, after count 24 perform the ‘Finale’

2x Cross-Back-Triple Sway (12:00)
25 – 26Cross left over right. Step backward onto right
27& 28Step/sway left to left side, sway onto right, recover/sway onto left.
29 – 30Cross right over left. Step backward onto left.
31& 32Step/sway right to right side, sway onto left, recover/sway onto right.
Dance note: Count 25 and 29 – bend knees slightly – after each count.. straighten up

3x Diagonal-Slow. Press Step, Recover, Back (12:00)
33 – 34Step diagonally right onto left. Slow step right toward left – foot off floor.
35 – 36turning on ball of left – Step diagonally left onto right. Slow step left toward right – foot off floor.
37 – 38turning on ball of right – Step diagonally right onto left. Slow step right toward left – foot off floor.
39& 40Turning left to straighten up - Press forward onto right, recover onto left, step backward onto right.

Rock Back. Rock. Rock Forward. Recover. 1/2 Sweep. Back Toe Touch (6:00)
41 – 42Rock backward onto left, rock onto right.
43 – 44Rock forward onto left, recover onto right.
45 – 46Turning ½ left – sweep left foot from front to backward (2 counts) (6)
47 – 48Step backward onto left foot. Touch right toe backward (shoulders and head turned right).

FINALE: Wall 5 after count 24:
1 – 2Large step forward onto left. Touch right next to left.
3 – 4Turn ¼ left & step right to right side. Hold (touch/point left to left side).
5 – 6Turn ½ left & step left to left side. Hold (touch/point right to right side).
7 – 8Turn ¼ left & step forward onto right. Hold (touch/point left backward) – add pose


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