CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate Samba rhythm
Gordon Timms (UK) - October 2010
Senorita - Fancy : (Albums: "Strip Down" & "The Magic Of Fancy")
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Musical intro then…4 Count s In…from the start of the drumbeat . Start on the vocals….

SECTION 1: Running Samba Steps x 2 , (Step, Lock, Step Lock Steps, on the diagonal.)
1 - 2Slightly on the Left diagonal…Step forward on the Left foot, Lock Right behind Left.
3 & 4Step forward on the Left foot, Lock Right behind Left, Step forward on the Left.
5 - 6Slightly on the Right diagonal…Step forward on the Right foot, Lock Left behind Right.
7 & 8Step forward on the Right foot, Lock Left behind Right, Step forward on the Right. Faces 12.00

SECTION 2: Rock, Replace, Half Turn Left with a Triple Step, Quarter Turn Left, Diagonal Right ‘Volta’.
1 - 2(Straighten up the wall… 12:00) Rock forward on the Left, replace weight on to Right.
3 & 4** Execute a ½ turn left with a triple step, stepping forward on the left. L-R-L
5 - 6Execute a ¼ turn left stepping right to right side(5) replace weight on the left (6)
7 & 8On a slightly forward diagonal, Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left. Faces 3.00

SECTION 3: Quarter Turn and Side, Diagonal Left ‘Volta’, Rock, Replace, Behind Side Cross.
1 - 2Turning ¼ turn right step back on left, Turning ¼ turn right step right to right side. (9:00)
3 & 4On a slightly forward diagonal, Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
5 - 6Rock forward diagonally right with the right foot, replace weight on to the left.
7 & 8Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross step right over left. Faces 3.00

SECTION 4: Rock, Replace, ¼ Turn Left, Rondé Behind, Side and Step, Cuban Break, Diagonal Right ‘Volta’.
1 - 2Rock forward diagonally left with the left foot, replace weight on to the right
3 & 4Execute a ¼ turn left…Rondé left behind right, step right side, step slightly forward on left.
5 &Cross rock right over left, rock back with weight on to left.
6 &Rock back on right behind left, rock forward with weight on to left.
7 & 8On a slightly forward diagonal, Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left. Faces 6.00

SECTION 5: At the end of these walls: (2) (3) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) add the following 4 counts.
Then start the dance from the beginning….
1–2- 3- 4Hip Bumps = Sway Left, Right, Left, & Right

DANCE SEQUENCE IS: 32 – 36 – 36 - 32 – 36 – 32 – 36 – 36 – 36 - 36

FINISH: As the music fades you will be facing the 12.00 wall…finish the dance by changing the triple half turn ** 3 & 4 - into a full turn (or Coaster step) to finish the dance facing the front?

Dedicated to one of my dear dancing friends… Dianne Evans.


Line Dance Latin with Gordon & Glenys (UK)
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