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Waltz To Nowhere

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Improver Waltz
Chris Mann (AUS) - October 2010
To Nowhere - Yuki Kajiura : (Album: .hack//SIGN Original Soundtrack)
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Start with weight on right foot.

[1-6] Step lock forward, lunge & recover, step together
1, 2, 3Step forward on left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward on left foot
4, 5, 6Lunge forward on right foot, replace weight on left, step right foot behind left

[7-12] Back, cross, back, back, touch across, hold
1, 2, 3Step back on left foot, step right foot across left, step back on left foot
4, 5, 6Step back on right foot, touch left foot across right, hold(*)

[13-18] Step, paddle ¼ turn, cross shuffle & sweep
1, 2, 3Step forward on left foot, step forward on right foot, turn ¼ left transferring weight to left foot
4&5Step right foot across left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left
6Sweep left foot in front of right (weight stays on right foot)

[19-24] Cross, back, ¼ turn, coaster step, touch
1, 2, 3Step left foot across right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right foot, step left foot back
4&5Step back on right foot, step left foot beside right, step forward on right foot
6Touch left foot beside right

[24] Repeat dance facing new wall

Tag: At the end of every second wall (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8)
¼ turn waltz forward, ¼ turn waltz back x2
1, 2, 3Turn ¼ left stepping forward on left foot, step right, left in place
4, 5, 6Turn ¼ left stepping back on right foot, step left, right in place
7, 8, 9Turn ¼ left stepping forward on left foot, step right, left in place
10, 11, 12Turn ¼ left stepping back on right foot, step left, right in place
Then begin the dance again.

Finish: On wall 9, dance up to count 12(*) and finish with left foot across right.

Contact: (chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au)


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