CopperKnob Stepsheets

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High Intermediate
Maria Maag (DK) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - September 2010
Glow - Madcon
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Phrasing: A, B, A, B, A, TAG, A – RESTART, B, B, B, B,

Intro: 32 count intro – start on lyrics (app. 19 sec. into track)

(1-8) Walk R, L, Sailor step, Tripple half L
1-2 Walk R fw, walk L fw 12:00
3-4 Cross R behind L, step L to L side 12:00
5-6 Step R to R side, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side 09:00
7-8 Step R next to L, step ¼ L stepping L fw 06:00

(9-16) Syncopated rocks, Back slide, Ball cross, Side step
1-2 Rock R fw, recover back L 06:00
&3-4 Step R next to L, rock L fw, recover back R 06:00
5-6 Big step back L, slide R next to L 06:00
&7-8 Step R next to L, cross L over R, step R to R side 06:00

(17-24) Sit x2, Ball Cross, Side step, Back Rock
1-2 “Sit down” on R hip, bump L hip up – keeping weight on R 06:00
3-4 Bump R hip down, bump L hip up – keeping weight on R 06:00
&5-6 Step L next to R, cross R over L, step L to L side 06:00
7-8 Rock R behind L, recover L 06:00

(25-32) Point, Point, Point hitch point, Step ½ turn L, Step ½ turn L
1&2 Point R to R side, step R next to L, point L to L side 06:00
&3&4 Step L next to R, point R to R side, hitch R up, point R to R side 06:00
&5-6 Hitch R up, step R fw, turn ½ L stepping down on L 12:00
7-8 Step R fw, turn ½ L stepping down on L
Restart here – step R next to L on 1 06:00

(33-40) Flick hook hitch, step touch, ¼ L together, Pop chest x2
1&2 Flick R to R side, hook R in front of L, hitch R up 06:00
3-4 Step R fw, touch L next to R leaning slightly R
Arms: Punch R arm, hand fisted, to R side (3), dropping R arm point L to L diagonal(4) 06:00
5-6 Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, step R next to L 03:00
&7&8 Pop chest fw, back, fw, back 03:00

(41-48) Jump, Knee pop, Heel swivels, Side rock, Ball side rock
1&2 Jump out on both feet, pop both knees up, drop heels 03:00
&3&4 Swivel R heel in, swivel R heel back to centre, swivel L heel in, swivel L heel back to centre 03:00
5-6 Rock R to R side, recover L 03:00
&7-8 Step R next to L, rock L to L side, recover R 03:00

(49-56) Point bounce ½ L, ¼ R cross, Full unwind L, Out out L R
1-2 Point L back, bounce on both feet ¼ L 12:00
3-4 Bounce on both feet ¼ L stepping fw on L, turn ¼ R crossing R over L 12:00
5-6 Unwind full turn L – weight ends on R 12:00
7-8 Step out L, step out R 12:00

(57-64) Up & down, Twist L & R, Rolling Vine L
1&2 Get up on balls of both feet (1), drop heels (&), pop both knees out, still standing on whole foot
Arms: Raise R arm straight up fingers spread(1), drop arm (&), clap hands together(2) 12:00
3-4 Twist upper body to L side, twist upper body to R side
Arms: hands together – swinging to L shoulder (3) and then R shoulder (4) 12:00
5-6 Turn ¼ L stepping L fw, turn ½ L stepping R back 03:00
7-8 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, step R next to L 12:00

(1-8) Knee pops with arms x2, Step slide with arms
1-2 Pop both knees L twice.
Arms: Lift R arm in a 90 degree angle – throw it fw twice 12:00
3-4 Pop both knees R twice.
Arms: Lift L arm in a 90 degree angle – throw it fw twice 12:00
5-6 Step R to R side, slide L next to R with a touch.
Arms: With hands fisted, punch R elbow to R side and L arm straight out to L (5), with palms facing your head both arms up in a 90 degree angle (6) 12:00
7-8 Step L to L side, slide R next to L with a touch.
Arms: With hands fisted, punch L elbow to L side and R arm straight out to R (5), with palms facing your head both arms up in a 90 degree angle (6) 12:00

(9-16) Bow & Arrow x2, Toe struts L & R with snaps
1-2 Step R to R side leaning slightly back(1) – keep weight on R the whole time
Arms: “string the bow” - L arm straight towards L diagonal, R arm bended toward L diagonal (1), “shoot the arrow” – switch the arms so that R arm is straight toward L diagonal and L is bended (2) 12:00
3-4 Repeat arms 1-2 12:00
5-6 Step down on L toe, slightly L (5), step down on all of L foot (6)
Arms: snap both fingers twice at L hip 12:00
7-8 Step down on R toe, slightly R (7), step down on all of R (8) 12:00
Arms: snap both fingers twice at R hip

(17-24) Bow & Arrow x2, Toe struts R & L with snaps
1-2 Step L to L side leaning slightly back (1) – keep weight on L the whole time
Arms: “string the bow” - R arm straight towards R diagonal, L arm bended toward R diagonal (1), “shoot the arrow” – switch the arms so that L arm is straight toward R diagonal and R is bended (2) 12:00
3-4 Repeat arms 1-2 12:00
5-6 Step down on R toe, slightly R (5), step down on all of R foot (6)
Arms: snap both fingers twice at R hip 12:00
7-8 Step down on L toe, slightly L (7), step down on all of L (8)
Arms: snap both fingers twice at L hip 12:00

(25-32) Step slide R & L with arms – GLOOOOOOW!
1-4 Step R big step to R side, slide L next to R over 2-3, touch L next to R
Arms: Bring both arms from L hip, wave over head ending at R hip 12:00
5-8 Step L big step to L side, slide R next to L over 2-3, touch R next to L
Arms: Bring both arms from R hip, wave over head ending at L hip 12:00

TAG (starts facing 12 o’clock)
1-8 Fw rock, Side rock, Sailor ½ L, Touch
1-4 Rock L fw, recover back R, rock L to L side, recover R 12:00
5-8 Cross L behind R, turn ¼ L stepping R to R side, turn ¼ L stepping L fw, touch R next to L 06:00

Note: The tag will make this a 2 wall dance – HOWEVER you only do wall 2 one time for 32 counts

Good luck & enjoy!

Maria Maag –
Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) -


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