CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Let Me C It!!!

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Will Craig (USA) - August 2010
Let Me C It (feat. Petey Pablo) - Get Cool : (CD: Step up 3D)
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A Pattern
(1-8) Back together, hand in front, upper body turn, lower body turn, side together, triple side
1&2 Step back on right, step together with left, bring hands up, just above waist line, with left over right and both palms facing down.
3&4 turn upper body a 1/4 turn to the right, step right, then together with left brining lower body a 1/4 turn to right
5-6 drop arms while stepping left to left, step right next to left
7&8 step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left

(9-16) kick with hook behind with 1/2 turn, side touch, walk X2, back, back sweep out
1-2 kick right foot forward and across left, hook right behind left as you make a half turn over right (as you swing your right foot around behind, let the motion turn your body around and end up with weight on right foot)
3-4 step left to left, touch right next to left
5-6 step forward on right, step forward on left
7&8 step back on right, step back on left, step back on right as you sweep left out to left with flexed foot

(17-24) 1/4 turn, back, back with sweep out, X2, triple together, big step forward, together
1&2 step back on left, step back on right, step back on left as you sweep right out to right with flexed foot, as you make a 1/4 turn to right, (you will be on the 12:00 wall)
3&4 step back on right step back on left, step back on right as you sweep left foot out to left side
5&6 step back on left, step together with right, step together with left
7-8 take a big step forward on right, take a small step forward on left

(25-32) step with hand hit on knee, hand open with step, step with hand turn, hand pops, together
1&2 (1)hitch right leg up as you bring your left hand to the back of your right hand both palms down and you hit the top of your right thigh with hands, (&)step down and forward on right as hands extend forward and open up with right palm facing inward with finger tips pointing down and left palm facing outward and finger tips pointing up(like both wrist are attached and hands just fold open) (2)step slightly forward on left as you rotate hands clockwise, left finger tips pointing to right, right finger tips pointing to left. (do not change palm positions,
3-4 bring right hand up and around left hand one full time flipping right palm outward and setting back of right into palm of left
5&6& (5)bring right arm out to right, bent at elbow with forearm going straight up, bent wrist with palm down and fingers pointing to left, (&)bring left arm out to left, bent at elbow with forearm going straight up, bent wrist with palm down and fingers pointing to left,(6)twist right hand to right, pointing fingers to right,(&)twist left hand to right, pointing fingers to right
7&8 bring right hand down with fingers pointing into side of right hip, bring left hand down with fingers pointing into side of left hip, bring left foot back together with right as you drop hands to neutral

(33-40) step, heel pops, knee pops, head turn, 1/4 turn body roll together, hold, step, step
1&2 step slightly forward on right, pop right heel out to right, bring back to neutral
&3-4 pop right heel up with slightly bent knee, bring back to neutral , look to left
5-6 make a 1/4 turn to left with a slight body roll, bring right foot to left
7&8 hold, step forward on right, step together with left

(41-48) kick cross rock, recover, kick cross, big step back, coaster, walk walk with 1/4 turn
1&2& kick right foot forward, cross right over left, rock back on left, recover on right
3&4 kick left foot forward, cross left over right, take a big step back on right
5&6 step back on left, step together with right, step forward on left
7-8 make a 1/4 turn to the left as you walk forward right, left

B Pattern....16 counts
(1-8) cross rock recover side, rocking chair, push, push, push, down, up
1&2 cross rock right over left, recover on left, step right to right
3&4& cross rock left over right, recover on right, rock back on left , recover on right
5&6 cross rock left over right as you push knees slightly forward while coming up slightly on the balls of feet, push butt back as you come back flat foot with slightly bent back, push knees forward as you come up slightly on balls of feet(during this part you should let you body get lower to the ground.........Or you can just push, push, push with no level change.
7-8 push butt back with bent knees on flat feet in a squatting position(or just give me a slightly bent back), jump out with feet apart

(9-16) cross step, hook, drop, unwind up, back, side cross side with 1/2 turn, step
1-2 cross left over right, hook right foot behind left knee, (Option 1: drop down to left and land on ball of right foot while it is hooked behind left knee) (Option 2: slide right foot down behind left onto ball of right)
3-4 (if option 1 was taken): Push up on right foot as you unwind a full turn to right while rising up from squatted position with weight ending on right (If option 2 was taken): unwind a full turn to the right with weight ending on right.
5 step back on left
6&7 make a 1/4 turn to right as you step right to right side, cross left over right, make a 1/4 turn to right as you step forward on right
8 step forward on left

(1-8) hitch, step back X4
1-2 hitch right knee up, step back on right
3-4 hitch left knee up, step back on left
5-6 hitch right knee up, step back on right 7-8 hitch left knee up, step back on left

(9-16) hitch, step forward X2, walks
1-2 hitch right knee up, step forward on right
3-4 hitch left knee up, step forward on left
5678 walk forward with attitude right, left, right, left


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