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Because You Loved Me

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Joan Price (USA) - July 2010
Because You Loved Me - Céline Dion : (CD: Falling Into You)
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(1 – 8) Nightclub 2-Step Basic L, R; ¼ Turn R On Ntclub Basic L, Step R, L, Pivot ½ R
1,2& Step L to L side, rock R behind L, recover onto L;
3,4& Step R to R side, rock L behind R, recover onto R
5,6& Turn ¼ to Right while stepping L to L side, rock R behind L, recover onto L (3:00)
7,8& Walk forward R, L, pivot turn ½ R stepping onto R (9:00)

(9-16) 3 Scissors: L, R, L; R Brush Hitch Cross
1&2,3&4 Rock L to L side, recover R, cross L over R, Rock R to R side, recover L, cross R over L
5&6,7&8 Roc k L to L side, recover R, cross L over R, brush R beside L, hitch R knee, cross R over L

(17 -24) Chasse L, R sailor ¼ turn, syncopated lock steps ("joeys")
1&2,3&4 Side shuffle L, R, L; R ¼ turning sailor step (sweep R behind L turning ¼ R, recover L, step R forward) (12:00)
5&6&7&8& Step L forward to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L forward to L diagonal, step R forward to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R forward to R diagonal, step L forward to L diagonal, step R forward (end weight on R)

(25 -32) 4 Sways, L Point Drag X 2
1-4 Sway hips L, R, L, R
5-8 Extend L leg to L side pointing toes, drag L leg in beside R (wt. on R), repeat

(33-40) Turning Nightclub Basics: In Place, ½ L, ¼ R, ¼ L
1,2& Step L to L side, rock R behind L, recover onto L;
3,4& Turn ½ L while stepping R to R side, rock L behind R, recover onto R (6:00)
5,6& Turn ¼ to Right while stepping L to L s ide, rock R behind L, recover onto L (9:00)
7,8& Turn ¼ L while stepping R to R side, rock L behind R, recover onto R (6:00)

(40-44) L Point Drag X 2
1-4 Extend L leg to L side pointing toes, drag L leg in beside R (wt. on R); repeat

RESTARTS: Please don't be afraid of the phrasing - restarts are easy to hear, and the song is beautiful.
Wall 1 - Dance all 44 counts, end facing 6:00
Wall 2 - Dance 36 counts, restart after ½ turning nightclub, section 5, facing 12:00
Wall 3 - Dance all 44 counts, end facing 6:00
Wall 4, 5, 6 - Dance 32 counts, restart after point/drags, section 4, facing 6:00
Wall 7 - Dance ends during section 4 at 12:00 - strike a pose and hold

Choreographer's note: This dance can be turned into a beginning level, 16-count, 4-wall line dance by dancing just the first 2 sections and repeating - no restarts.

Because You Loved Me is dedicated to the memory of Robert Rice, my partner in dance, love, and life.


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