There is a 36 beat count-in (start on lyrics). Begin with weight on left foot.
Toe-heel struts, rock, replace, together, repeat on other side
1-4 Touch right toe forward, drop right heel, touch left toe forward, drop left heel
5-8 Rock forward onto right foot, replace left foot, step right foot beside left, hold
9-12 Touch left toe forward, drop left heel, touch right toe forward, drop right heel
11-16 Rock forward onto left foot, replace right foot, step left foot beside right, hold
Paddle ¼ left, cross, side rock cross, paddle ¼ left cross
17-20 Step forward on right foot, turn ¼ left and transfer weight to left foot, step right foot across left, hold
21-24 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot across right, hold
25-28 Step forward on right foot, turn ¼ left and transfer weight to left foot, step right foot across left, hold
Side rock cross, side, sailor steps, behind side cross
29-32 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot across right, step right foot to right side
33-36 Step left foot behind right, rock right foot to right side, replace left foot, hold
37-40 Step right foot behind left, rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, hold
41-44 Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot across right, hold
Side rock, weave
45-48 Rock right foot to right side, replace left foot, step right foot across left, step left foot to left side
49-52 Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left, hold
Monterey ¼ turn left x 2, rock ½ turn left, step
53, 54 Point left toe to left side, step left beside right making ¼ turn left
55, 56 Point right toe to right side, step right beside left
57-60 Repeat 53-56
61-64 Rock left foot forward, replace right foot, make ½ turn left and step left foot forward, hold
64 Repeat dance facing new wall
Restart: On the fourth wall, dance up to count 28 and add:
29-32 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot forward, scuff right foot beside left
Then begin the dance again.
Finish: At the end of the 9th wall, add:
65-68 Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left and transfer weight to left foot (pivot), step right foot forward
(chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au)
Toe-heel struts, rock, replace, together, repeat on other side
1-4 Touch right toe forward, drop right heel, touch left toe forward, drop left heel
5-8 Rock forward onto right foot, replace left foot, step right foot beside left, hold
9-12 Touch left toe forward, drop left heel, touch right toe forward, drop right heel
11-16 Rock forward onto left foot, replace right foot, step left foot beside right, hold
Paddle ¼ left, cross, side rock cross, paddle ¼ left cross
17-20 Step forward on right foot, turn ¼ left and transfer weight to left foot, step right foot across left, hold
21-24 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot across right, hold
25-28 Step forward on right foot, turn ¼ left and transfer weight to left foot, step right foot across left, hold
Side rock cross, side, sailor steps, behind side cross
29-32 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot across right, step right foot to right side
33-36 Step left foot behind right, rock right foot to right side, replace left foot, hold
37-40 Step right foot behind left, rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, hold
41-44 Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot across right, hold
Side rock, weave
45-48 Rock right foot to right side, replace left foot, step right foot across left, step left foot to left side
49-52 Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot across left, hold
Monterey ¼ turn left x 2, rock ½ turn left, step
53, 54 Point left toe to left side, step left beside right making ¼ turn left
55, 56 Point right toe to right side, step right beside left
57-60 Repeat 53-56
61-64 Rock left foot forward, replace right foot, make ½ turn left and step left foot forward, hold
64 Repeat dance facing new wall
Restart: On the fourth wall, dance up to count 28 and add:
29-32 Rock left foot to left side, replace right foot, step left foot forward, scuff right foot beside left
Then begin the dance again.
Finish: At the end of the 9th wall, add:
65-68 Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left and transfer weight to left foot (pivot), step right foot forward
(chris DOT mann AT velocitynet DOT com DOT au)