CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Coming Home

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High Intermediate NC2S
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Paul McAdam (UK) - July 2010
Mama, I'm Coming Home - Ozzy Osbourne
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Sequence: Intro 16, 32, 32, 16, 32, 28, Tag, 28, 32, 14, 32….

(1-8&) Side, Behind, Cross, Diagonal Back, 1½ Turn, ¼ Turn Rocks, Ball Cross
1,2&3 side step left to left, step right behind left, cross left over right, step back on right on the diagonal to the back right “Back to the 4:30 wall”
4&5 make a ½ turn to left stepping forward on left, make a ½ turn to the left stepping back right, make a half turn to left stepping forward on left
6-7 make a ¼ turn to left rocking right to right side, recover on left
&8& sway to right, bring left into right, cross right over left

(9-16&) ¼ Turn, Step Fw, 7/8 Turning Sweep, Cross Rock/Recover Side, Behind, Cross, ¼ Turn, ½ Turn Steps Together
1-2 make a ¼ turn to left stepping forward on left, step forward on right “on the diagonal to the 10:30 wall”
3,4&5 make a 7/8 sweeping turn to the right, cross rock left over right, recover on right, side step left to left (facing 9:00)
6&7 step right behind left, cross left over right, step back on right while making a ¼ turn to left
8& step together with left, step in place with right while making a half turn to the left (facing 12:00)

(17-25) Back With Sweeps X3, ¼ Sailor, ¼ Weave, ¼ Rock/Recover Back Rock
1-3 step back on left as you sweep right back, step back on right as you sweep left back, step back on left as you sweep right back
4&5 step right behind left, step left for left side, step forward on right as you make a ¼ turn to left
6&7 step left behind right, step right behind left, step forward on left as you make a ¼ turn to left
8&1 rock forward on right as you make a ¼ turn to left, recover on left, rock back on right

(26-32) Recover, Step Fw, ½Turn, Full Turn, Mambo Behind, Side Cross
2-3 recover on left, step forward on right
4&5 make ½ turn left stepping forward on left, make ½ turn left stepping back on right, make ½ turn left stepping forward on left
6&7 rock forward on right, recover on left, step right behind left
8& step left to left side, cross right over left.

1st RESTART: you will be on the 6 O’clock wall. You will do the first 16 counts of the dance. Instead of stepping back on the left and sweeping right back you will restart the dance on the back wall stepping left to left side. Call this wall 3 again!!!!

TAG: You will be on the 4th wall and you will finish on count 28 (stop with the left foot in front of right in a rock)
(1-8) Back With Sweepsx3, ¼ Turn, Back, ¼ Turn, ½ Turn, Pop Knees Arm Up, Snake Arm, Pop Armx2
1-3 step back on right as you sweep left back, step back on left as you sweep right back, step back on right as you sweep left back
4&5 step left behind right as you make a ¼ turn to left, step back on right, step left to left side as you make a ¼ turn to left
6& make a ½ turn to left stepping right to right side, pop both knees inward as you break frame and bring right arm up in front of chest bent at elbow with palm down (arm should be more towards the right outside of your body, your hand should be center of chest)
0a7 snake your arm up and then down to the left
&8 pop right arm back to right slightly, pop right arm to right a little more

(9-16) Pop Shoulders, ½ Turn, Step Side, ½ Turn, Coaster, Step Fw
1a&2 alternate shoulder pops left, right, left, right, as you press down on ball of left foot, leaning to left side
3-4 press off of left foot as you make a ½ turn to left, step left to left side
5 make a ½ turn to left stepping right to right,
6&7 step back on left, step together with right, step diagonally forward to left on left
8 step forward on right……..You will be on the front wall. Restart dance!!!

2nd RESTART: You will have just restarted the dance after the tag on the front wall, you will do up to count 28 but leave weight on right , then restart the dance on the 9 O’clock wall.

3rd RESTART: you will have started on the back wall after your restart on the 9 O’clock wall, you will do the first 13 counts, instead of (6&7step right behind left, cross left over right, step back on right while making a ¼ turn to left) make ¼ turn left stepping right to right (count 14), touch left to right (&), then restart the dance on the front wall…..Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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