CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pat's Waltz

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Improver / Intermediate
Pat Stott (UK) - June 2010
Their Hearts Are Dancing - The Forester Sisters : (CD: I Got A Date)
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Forward basic, back basic
1,2,3 Forward on left, step right next to left, step in place of left
4,5,6 Back on right, step left next to right, step in place on right

Twinkle x 2
1,2,3 Cross left over right, right to right, left in place
4,5,6 Cross right over left, left to left, right in place

Cross, recover, side, cross, recover, side
1,2,3 Cross left over right bending knees slightly, recover onto right, left to left
4,5,6 Cross right over left bending knees slightly, recover onto left, right to right

Cross, ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left, cross, recover, side
1,2,3 Cross left over right, turn ¼ left step back on right, turn ¼ left step left to left
4,5,6 Cross right over left bending knees slightly, recover onto left, right to right

Cross, reverse rolling vine, large step to right, slide left towards right
1,2,3 Cross left over right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right, turn ½ left stepping forward on left
4,5,6 Turn ¼ to left stepping large step on right to right, slide left towards right over 2 beats
(Alternative steps to the reverse rolling vine – weave to right – front, side, behind, side)

Side, rock back, recover, side, rock back, recover
1,2,3 Step left to left, rock back onto right behind left, recover forward onto left
4,5,8 Step right to right, rock back onto left behind right, recover forward onto right

¼ turn left, point, hold, ½ turn right, point, hold
1,2,3 Turn ¼ left stepping forward onto left, point right to right, hold
4,5,6 Turn ½ right stepping back on right, point left to left, hold

Twinkle, cross, spiral ½ turn right
1,2,3 Cross left over right, right to right, left in place
4,5,6 Cross right over left, close left to right turning ½ right on balls of feet, right to right side

End of wall 3 (facing 9 0’clock)
Dance first 3 sections (steps 1 – 18,) then restart from the beginning

End of dance:
Dance the first 5 sections (end facing front wall) and pose!


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