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Imma Be

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Phrased Advanced Hip Hip
Guyton Mundy (USA), Pim van Grootel (NL), Will Craig (USA), Daniel Trepat (NL) & Ryan Lindsey (USA) - June 2010
Imma Be - Black Eyed Peas
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"523" - "Guyton Mundy, Pim van Grootel, Will Craig, Daniel Trepat & Ryan Lindsey"

32 count intro
Pattern of dance A,A,A,A,A,A,B,C,C,C, 1st 3 8 counts of C,

A pattern
(1-8) Syncopated step locks forward, 1/2 turn hitch, side, side, touch
1&2 Step forward on left, step right behind left, step forward on left
&3& step forward on right, step left behind right, step forward on right
4-5 step forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to right as you hitch up right
6-7-8 step right to right, step big step to left, touch right to left

(9-16) side step with heel pops X2, 3/4 turn, out, out, prep, full turn with drag, out, out
1&2 step right to right, pop left heel in, pop left heel back to center as you step down on left
&3 pop right heel in, pop right heel back to center as you step down on right
&4 step back on left while making a 1/2 turn to left, make a 1/4 turn to left stepping right to right
5-6-7 prep body to left over left foot, make a full turn to right on right foot while dragging left foot close into right foot (counts 6-7)
&8 step out on left, step out on right.

(17-24) chest pops, heel and knee pops, cross back, 3/8 turn step, walk backs, 1/2 turn walks
&1&2& pop chest out, pop chest out, lift heels, neutral, lift heels, neutral, lift heels
(this part is hard to right, as you pop your chest out you immediately come back to neutral, and then pop it out again, with your heel raises, you bringing heels up and popping knees slightly, but your raising the heels before the & count and they go back flat on the ground on counts &2&.)
3&4 cross left over right, step back on right, make 3/8ths of a turn over left shoulder taking a big step forward on left as you pop right knee slightly next to left.
5-6 step back on right, step left behind right as you make a 1/4 turn to right
&7&8 step right to right, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping forward on left, step forward right, left

(25-32) 3/8 turn with shoulder rolls, 1/4 turn ball step, crump step, ball step, roll up
1-2-3 with right arm out to right bent at elbow, roll right arm and shoulder in a CW circler motion, while making a 3/8ths of a turn to right
&4 step back on right, step forward on left as you make a 1/4 turn to right
&5&6 with both hand in front of chest, (&)lift right knee up as you roll both hands out away from your chest and up and then back into chest, (5)step down on right. repeat with left leg for counts &6.
&7-8 step right in place, step down on left as you lean back arching your back and throwing arms back and up, then rolling body up from waist up to neutral, settling back down on to right foot.

B pattern
(1-8) slow motion pop steps
(this section is like you are taking 2 steps forward but you are using 8 counts to do it. Just think about walking, as you step forward on your left foot, your right arm will swing forward, same with the right foot with left arm. Just use 4 counts for each step)
1-2 pop left leg up slightly, pop left up just a little more
3-4 pop left leg down slightly, step down slightly forward on left
5,6,7,8 repeat with right leg.

(9-16) lean, ball step, lean, recover
1-2 with weight on the right foot, lean out at a diagonal to the right for counts 1-2
3-4 recover to neutral
&5-6 bring right to left. slightly step left to left , with weight on the left foot, lean out at a diagonal to the left for counts 5-6
7-8 recover to neutral

(17-24) arm over body roll, ball step. arm sweep, step, touch
1-2-3 bring right hand up around right side of head, around back of head to front of face, body roll from head down to waist as right hand follows the roll down your body
&4 step left next to right, rock right to right side
5-6 recover on left as you push your right hand out and to the left making a circle out in front of you back to the right as you transition weight to your right.
7-8 step forward on left, touch right next to left

(25-32) 1/2 turn glide X2, box glide
1-2 press down on ball of right foot, slide left foot back as you make 1/2 turn over left shoulder
3-4 bring right foot to left, press down on ball of right foot, slide left foot back as you make 1/2 turn over left shoulder
5-6 bring right foot to left, press down on ball of right foot, slide left foot back slightly making 1/4 turn left coming to ball of left foot, press down on ball of left foot, slide right foot forward making 1/4 turn left coming to ball of right foot
7-8 slide left foot slightly back and to left making 1/4 turn to left coming to ball of left foot, roll left foot down to flat position bringing right foot next to left making 1/4 turn left

C pattern
(1-8) crump step, arms out, ball step, cross, 1/4 turn kick with jump back, back step
&1-2 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch right knee slightly, hitch right knee again slightly higher, step down on right
&3-4 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch left knee slightly, hitch left knee again slightly higher, step down on left; throw arms out to each side on count 4
&5-6 step right to right, step down on left in place, cross right over left
7-8 make 1/8 turn right as you kick left foot forward while hopping back on right, step back on left

(9-16) ball step, cross, ball steps, leg swings, step back, back step
&1&2 step on ball of right next to left, cross left over right, step on ball of right foot to right, cross left over right
&3&4 step on ball of right foot to right, cross left over right, step on ball of right foot to right, swing left leg forward
5-6 swing left leg back, swing left leg forward
7-8 swing left leg back taking big step back on left, dragging right leg in, step back on right

(17-24) side step with arm hits, back, together
1-2 step left to left side as you take left hand out to left palm open, place right hand on back of head
3&4 place left hand on back of head, punch right arm to left, punch left arm to left above right arm
&5& hit right hand with left hand, take right hand slightly down, bring right hand up to hit bottom of left
6-7-8 take left hand slightly up, punch both hands forward, bring hands back down to sides

(25-32) arm punch, side step, side rocks with elbow, side triple
1&2 step left forward out to left side as you bring left arm up slightly out to left bent at elbow punching right arm over and out, bring right arm back, punch right under left
3-4 take big side step to right, step left next to right
5-6 tough right slightly out to right as you throw elbow out to right, press right slightly out to right as you throw elbow out to right
7&8 step left right left to left side as you throw both elbows out to sides, back in, out to sides

(33-40) crump steps with arm roll
&1-2 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch right knee slightly, hitch right knee again slightly higher, step down on right
&3-4 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch left knee slightly, hitch left knee again slightly higher, step down on left
&5-6 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch right knee slightly, hitch right knee again slightly higher, step down on right
&7-8 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch left knee slightly, hitch left knee again slightly higher, step down on left

(41-48) kick step x4, 1/2 turn, triple step
&1&2 kick right foot forward, step down on right, kick left foot forward, step down on left
&3&4 kick right foot forward, step down on right, kick left foot forward, step down on left
5-6 step forward on right, make 1/2 turn to left stepping forward on left
7&8 step forward right, left, right

(49-56) crump steps with arm roll
&1-2 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch left knee slightly, hitch left knee again slightly higher, step down on left
&3-4 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch right knee slightly, hitch right knee again slightly higher, step down on right
&5-6 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch left knee slightly, hitch left knee again slightly higher, step down on left
&7-8 with hands in front of chest roll arms out up and back into body while you hitch right knee slightly, hitch right knee again slightly higher, step down on right

(57-64) kicks, 1/2 turn, 1/2 turn, triple
&1&2 kick left foot forward, step down on left, kick right foot forward, step down on right
&3&4 kick left foot forward, step down on left, kick right foot forward, step forward on right making 1/2 turn over left
5-6 step forward on left, as you step forward on right make 1/2 turn to left
7&8 triple forward left, right, left

Ending... when doing the last C section, at the end of the 3rd 8 count when brining arms in and left to right ,
just Bow your head and bring arms into sides.

Have fun.....The 523 wish you well!!!


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