Intro: Dancelife track: 32 counts from first beat in music.
Alt Music: It’s chitlin’ time by The Kentucky Headhunters. On albums: Electric Barnyard OR The best of the Kentucky Headhunters
Intro: Kentucky track: 32 counts from first beat in music (app. 20 seconds into track)
(1–8) L Cross Kick, L Side Kick, L Sailor Step, R Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock ¼ R
1–2 Cross kick L slightly over R (1), kick L to L side (2) [12:00]
3&4 Cross L behind R (3), step R a small step to R side (&), step L to L side (4) [12:00]
5&6 Cross R over L (5), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (6) [12:00]
7–8 Rock L to L side (7), recover on R turning ¼ R (8) [3:00]
(9–16) L Diagonal Shuffle, R Diagonal Shuffle, Step ¼ R, L Cross, R Point
1&2 Step L a small step fw (1), close R to L (&), step fw on L (2) – towards 1:30 [1:30]
3&4 Step R a small step fw (3), close L to R (&), step fw on R (4) – towards 4:30 [4:30]
5–6 Step L fw towards [3:00] (5), turn ¼ R stepping onto R (6) [6:00]
7–8 Cross L over R (7), point R to R side (8) [6:00]
(17–24) Touch R, R Diagonal Kick, Touch R, High R Diagonal Kick, R Cross, L Point, Step ½ R
1–2 Touch R behind L (1), kick R to R diagonal (2) [6:00]
3–4 Touch R behind L (3), kick R to R diagonal (and higher than before!) (4) [6:00]
5–6 Cross R over L (5), point L to L side (6) [6:00]
7–8 Step fw on L (7), turn ½ R stepping onto R (8) [12:00]
(25–32) L Ball Place, Hold, R Heel Bounces X2, L Toe Strut, R Toe Strut
&1–2 Bring L next to R (&), place R fw (weight is still on L foot) (1), Hold (2) [12:00]
&3&4 Lift R heel off the floor (&) step down on R heel (3), lift R heel off the floor (&) step down on R heel (4) – weight on R foot! [12:00]
5–6 Touch ball of L foot fw (5), lower L heel (6) [12:00]
7–8 Touch ball of R foot fw (7), lower R heel (8)
(33–40) L Point Fw, Side L, R Point Fw, Side R, L Jazz Box, R Cross
1–2 Point L fw (1), step L to L side (2) [12:00]
3–4 Point R fw (3), step R to R side (4) [12:00]
5–6 Cross L over R (5), step back on R (6) [12:00]
7–8 Step L to L side (7), cross R over L (8) [12:00]
(41–48) L Chasse, R Back Rock, Step ½ L, R Kick Ball Kick
1&2 Step L to L side, (1), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (2) [12:00]
3–4 Rock back on R (3), recover on L foot (4) [12:00]
5–6 Step fw on R (5), turn ½ L stepping onto L (6) [6:00]
7&8 kick R fw (7), step R next to L (&), kick L to L side (8) [6:00]
Begin Again /
Alt Music: It’s chitlin’ time by The Kentucky Headhunters. On albums: Electric Barnyard OR The best of the Kentucky Headhunters
Intro: Kentucky track: 32 counts from first beat in music (app. 20 seconds into track)
(1–8) L Cross Kick, L Side Kick, L Sailor Step, R Cross Shuffle, L Side Rock ¼ R
1–2 Cross kick L slightly over R (1), kick L to L side (2) [12:00]
3&4 Cross L behind R (3), step R a small step to R side (&), step L to L side (4) [12:00]
5&6 Cross R over L (5), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (6) [12:00]
7–8 Rock L to L side (7), recover on R turning ¼ R (8) [3:00]
(9–16) L Diagonal Shuffle, R Diagonal Shuffle, Step ¼ R, L Cross, R Point
1&2 Step L a small step fw (1), close R to L (&), step fw on L (2) – towards 1:30 [1:30]
3&4 Step R a small step fw (3), close L to R (&), step fw on R (4) – towards 4:30 [4:30]
5–6 Step L fw towards [3:00] (5), turn ¼ R stepping onto R (6) [6:00]
7–8 Cross L over R (7), point R to R side (8) [6:00]
(17–24) Touch R, R Diagonal Kick, Touch R, High R Diagonal Kick, R Cross, L Point, Step ½ R
1–2 Touch R behind L (1), kick R to R diagonal (2) [6:00]
3–4 Touch R behind L (3), kick R to R diagonal (and higher than before!) (4) [6:00]
5–6 Cross R over L (5), point L to L side (6) [6:00]
7–8 Step fw on L (7), turn ½ R stepping onto R (8) [12:00]
(25–32) L Ball Place, Hold, R Heel Bounces X2, L Toe Strut, R Toe Strut
&1–2 Bring L next to R (&), place R fw (weight is still on L foot) (1), Hold (2) [12:00]
&3&4 Lift R heel off the floor (&) step down on R heel (3), lift R heel off the floor (&) step down on R heel (4) – weight on R foot! [12:00]
5–6 Touch ball of L foot fw (5), lower L heel (6) [12:00]
7–8 Touch ball of R foot fw (7), lower R heel (8)
(33–40) L Point Fw, Side L, R Point Fw, Side R, L Jazz Box, R Cross
1–2 Point L fw (1), step L to L side (2) [12:00]
3–4 Point R fw (3), step R to R side (4) [12:00]
5–6 Cross L over R (5), step back on R (6) [12:00]
7–8 Step L to L side (7), cross R over L (8) [12:00]
(41–48) L Chasse, R Back Rock, Step ½ L, R Kick Ball Kick
1&2 Step L to L side, (1), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (2) [12:00]
3–4 Rock back on R (3), recover on L foot (4) [12:00]
5–6 Step fw on R (5), turn ½ L stepping onto L (6) [6:00]
7&8 kick R fw (7), step R next to L (&), kick L to L side (8) [6:00]
Begin Again /