CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stop The Telephone

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Winson Eng (MY) - March 2010
Telephone (feat. Beyoncé) - Lady Gaga
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Walk , Paddle Turn , Modified Moving Trot , Syncopated Lock Step Fwd
1-2 Walk R then L
3-4 Point R to R and turn ¼ L twice &
5&6 Small step R out then L out , small step R in then L in
&7&8 Step R fwd , lock L behind R , step R fwd , lock L behind R

Weave Modification , ¼ Turn , Coaster Step , Mambo ½ Turn
1-2&3 Step R to R , cross L behind R , step R to R , cross L over R
4 Step R to R
5&6 Turn ¼ L stepping L back , step R together with L , step L fwd
7&8 Rock R fwd , recover on L , make a ½ turn R stepping R fwd

Side Rock , Crossing Shuffle , ½ Turn , Kick Ball Touch
1-2 Rock L to L , recover on R
3&4 Cross L over R , step R to R , cross L over R
5-6 Turn ¼ L stepping R back , turn ¼ L stepping L to L
7&8 Kick R fwd , step R in place , touch L beside R

Knee Roll , ¼ Turn , Modified Jazz Box Turn , Weave
1-2 Roll L knee to L , roll R knee to R and turn ¼ R
3-4& Cross L over R , turn ¼ L stepping R back , step L to L
5-8 Cross R over L , step L to L , back rock R , recover on L


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