CopperKnob Stepsheets

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One Big Mess (aka Original Bla 2)

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Phrased Intermediate
Maria Maag (DK) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - March 2010
Starstrukk (feat. Katy Perry) - 3OH!3 : (Album: Want Deluxe Edition)
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Phrasing: A, B, C, B, B, C, A, B, C, B, B, TAG, C, A, A, C, B, B

Intro: 32 count intro – start on lyrics (app. 13 sec. into track)

(1-8) Vine R touch L, Vine L, Look L look R
1-4 Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R 12:00
5-6 Step L to L side, cross R behind L 12:00
7-8 Step L to L side whilst turning head L (7) and R (8) (weight shifts to R foot) 12:00
Note: Bring your R hand up to side of head (not touching) so it looks like it’s your hand pushing your head. 12:00

(9-16) Walk L, Walk R, Step ½ turn R, body roll x2
1-2 Walk fw L, walk fw R 12:00
3-4 Step L fw, turn ½ R keeping weight back on L 06:00
5-6 Roll body from head down to hips (keeping weight on L) 06:00
7-8 Roll body from hips up to head (keeping weight on L) 06:00

(17-24) Cross point x2, Jazz box ¼ R, Back rock
1-2 Cross R over L, point L to L side 06:00
3-4 Cross L over R, point R to R side 06:00
5-6 Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping back on L 09:00
7-8 Rock back on R looking back over R shoulder, recover onto L looking fw 09:00

(25-32) Walk R, Walk L, R Kick ball heel, Rocking chair
1-2 Walk fw R, walk fw L 09:00
3&4 Kick R fw, step down on R, put L heel fw 09:00
5-6 Rock fw on L, recover back onto R (use your arms to push you fw and back) 09:00
7-8 Rock fw on L, recover back onto R (use your arms to push you fw and back) 09:00
Note: The 3rd time you’re doing section A, you have to end with weight on L when doing the last rock step. So instead of recovering back onto your R, you touch R next to L (facing 3 o’clock). Ready to do section A one more time.

(1-8) Ball sweep, Weave, Side rock L, Ball step slide together
&1 Step down L, sweep R in front of L 09:00
2-4 Cross R in front of L, step L to L side, cross R behind L 09:00
5-6 Rock L to L side, recover onto to R 09:00
&7-8 Step L next to R, step R to R side, slide L next to R and take weight onto L 09:00

(9-16) Step slide, Ball cross side, Cross kick ball step, Cross kick ball touch ¼ L
1-2 Step R to R side, slide L next to R 09:00
&3-4 Step down on L, cross R across L, step L to L side 09:00
5&6 Kick R across L, step down on R, step L diagonal fw (so you’ll be moving more to the side) 09:00
7&8 Kick R across L, step down on R turning ¼ L, touch L slightly fw 06:00

(17-24) Slip slide, Cross unwind ½ L, Hitch back slide, Ball walk walk
&1 Slide L next to R and step down on L, make a small flick back with R 06:00
2-4 Cross R in front of L, unwind ½ L over 2 counts, ending with weight on R 12:00
&5-6 Hitch L, step L back, slide R towards L 12:00
&7-8 Step R next to L, walk fw L, walk fw R 12:00

(25-32) Hitch L ¼ R, Step slide, Ball cross side, Sailor ½ L cross, Step R, Touch
&1-2 Hitch L turning ¼ R, step L to L side, slide R towards L 03:00
&3-4 Step R next to L, cross L over R, step R to R side 03:00
5&6 Cross L behind R, turn ¼ L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L crossing L in front of R 09:00
7-8 Step R to R side, touch L next R 09:00

(1-8) Walk L, R, L, R ½ L, SHAKE!!!!!!
1-4 Walk L, R, L, R in a half circle L 09:00
5-8 Shake your body (ending with weight on either L or R – depending on which part comes next) 03:00

TAG (starts facing 12 o’clock)
(1-8) Walk around full turn L
1-4 Step L fw making ¼ L, hold, step R across L making ¼ L, hold 06:00
5-8 Step L fw making ¼ L, hold, step R across L making ¼ L, hold 12:00

Option: Put some attitude into your walk around – snap your fingers on the holds

Good luck & enjoy!

Maria Maag – & Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) -


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