CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Gift

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Easy Intermediate Waltz
Maria Maag (DK) - February 2010
Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato
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Intro : 24 count
*4 Easy Restarts : On walls 2, 4, 6 and 9.
On wall 2 restart after 24 count, [6:00]
On wall 4 restart after 36 count [3:00]
On wall 6 restart after 24 count [9:00]
On wall 9 restart after 30 count [3:00]

(1-6) L twinkle , weave L
1-3 cross L over R, step R diagonally fw, step L to side 12:00
4-6 cross R over L, step L to side, cross R behind L 12:00

(7-12) Step side, ¼ turn L figure 4, step slowly sweep
1-3 step L to side, make a figure 4 position with the R foot and turn ¼ L on ball of L 9:00
4-6 step R fw, sweep slowly L fw 9:00

(13-18) Rock recover ½ turn L, basic forward R
1-3 rock forward L, recover R, make a ½ turn L and step forward on L 3:00
4-6 step forward R, close L beside R, step on R 3:00

(19-24) Step back slowly sweep, step back slowly sweep
1-3 step back L, sweep slowly R back 3:00
4-6 step back R, sweep slowly L back *Restart on wall 2 and 6 3:00

(25-30) Behind ¼ turn R step, slowly step ½ turn L
1-3 cross L behind R, make a ¼ turn R and step fw R, step fw L 6:00
4-6 step fw R, make a slowly ½ turn L on ball of R *Restart on wall 9 12:00

(31-36) Run run run, slowly step ½ turn L
1-3 run fw L, run fw R, run fw L 12:00
4-6 step fw R, make a slowly ½ turn L on ball of R *Restart on wall 4 6:00

(37-42) sway slowly L, sway slowly R
1-3 step L to side, sway L slowly 6:00
4-6 sway R slowly 6:00

(43- 48) 1/4 turn L, R twinkle
1-3 make a ¼ turn L and step fw L, close R next to L, step on L 3:00
Option : make 1 ¼ turn L on count 1 -3
4-6 cross R over L, step L diagonally fw, step R to side 3:00



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