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Dreamy Waltz

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Crystal Lee (SG) - November 2009
Changing Partners - Patti Page
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This dance is dedicated to my teachers Vincent and Felicia Chia.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions!

Intro: 15 counts

Diagonal Forward Waltz Basic, Back Waltz Basic 1/8 Turn Left
1 – 3 Diagonal forward waltz basic (1/8 turn left) on L ,R, L.
4 - 6 Back waltz basic turning 1/8 left on R, L, R. (9:00)

Diagonal Forward Waltz Basic, Back Waltz Basic 1/8 Turn Left
1 – 3 Diagonal forward waltz basic (1/8 turn left) on L, R, L.
4 – 6 Back waltz basic turning 1/8 left on R, L, R facing the back wall (6:00)

Front Left Twinkle, Right Twinkle Half Turn Right
1 – 3 Cross step L over R, step R to the right, step L on the spot.
4 - 6 Cross step R over L, step L back ¼ turn to the right, step R to the right making ¼ turn to the right , total half turn.(12:00)

Step, Hitch, Kick, Back, Drag, Touch
1 – 3 Step L forward, hitch R, kick R forward.
4 – 6 Step R back ( a long step ), drag L back towards R, touch L in front of R.

Left Twinkle, Right Chasse
1 – 3 Cross step L over R, step R to the right, step L on the spot.
4,5 &6 Cross step R over L, step L to the left, step R beside L, step L to the left.

Right Lunge, Recover, Ronde Right, Unwind Half Turn Right
1 - 3 Diagonal lunge R over L, recover onto L, ronde R from front to back.
4 - 6 Touch right toes behind left, unwind half turn right ending with weight on the R.

Weave To The Right, Slide, Drag, Touch
1 – 3 Cross step L in front of R, step R beside L, step L behind R.
4 – 6 Step R a long step to the right, drag L towards R, touch L in front of R.

Rolling Vine, Cross, Side, Together
1 – 3 Left rolling vine—step L ¼ turn to left, step R in front of L and make ¼ turn left, half turn left on L.
4 – 6 Cross step R over L, step L to left, step R beside L.


ENDING: Dance the first 9 steps of the first 2 sections, then step back on R, touch L behind R, unwind left and face the front wall.


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