Intro: 8 Counts - (Begin on vocals)
(1-8) Right Vine, Touch Steps (3x)
1-4 Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal)
5-8 Step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal), step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal)
(9-16) Left Vine, Touch Steps (3x)
1-4 Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal)
5-8 Step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal), step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal)
RESTART here on wall 4
(17-24) 1/4 Rig Ht Walk Forward, Hitch, Walk Back, Hitch
1-4 Turning 1/4 right walk forward right, left, right, hitch left [3:00]
5-8 Walk back left, right, left, hitch right
(25-32) (Right & Left) Diagonal Side ,Together, Side, Touch
(For styling point fingers of both hands in direction of travel.)
1-4 On the right diagonal (angle body to left corner to be truly moving sideways) step right to side, left beside right, right to side, touch left beside right (option: hitch)
5-8 On the left diagonal (angle body to right corner to be moving sideways) step left to side, right beside left, left to side, touch right beside left (option: hitch), squaring up to that wall on count 8
TAG here at END of wall 9
Begin Again
RESTART: On wall 4 (facing 9:00) dance first 16 counts (instrumental section), then start again at the beginning (still facing 9:00)
TAG: At END of wall 9 (facing 12:00) do the following 18 counts: (no music here so keep counting!)
(1-8) Side Step, Touch (4x)
1-4 Step right to side, touch left beside right, step left to side, touch right beside left
5-8 Repeat 1-4
(9-16) Rocking Chair (2x) (With Some Hips!)
1-4 Rock right forward, recover left, rock right back, recover left
5-8 Repeat 1-4
(17-18) Side Rock Recover
1-2 Rock right to side, recover left (slight pause as music slows down, then start the dance at the beginning - on the word "Kiss")
END: Dance ends on 9:00. Step right to side on last beat, then throw a kiss to 12:00
(1-8) Right Vine, Touch Steps (3x)
1-4 Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal)
5-8 Step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal), step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal)
(9-16) Left Vine, Touch Steps (3x)
1-4 Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal)
5-8 Step right to side, touch left across right (on the diagonal), step left to side, touch right across left (on the diagonal)
RESTART here on wall 4
(17-24) 1/4 Rig Ht Walk Forward, Hitch, Walk Back, Hitch
1-4 Turning 1/4 right walk forward right, left, right, hitch left [3:00]
5-8 Walk back left, right, left, hitch right
(25-32) (Right & Left) Diagonal Side ,Together, Side, Touch
(For styling point fingers of both hands in direction of travel.)
1-4 On the right diagonal (angle body to left corner to be truly moving sideways) step right to side, left beside right, right to side, touch left beside right (option: hitch)
5-8 On the left diagonal (angle body to right corner to be moving sideways) step left to side, right beside left, left to side, touch right beside left (option: hitch), squaring up to that wall on count 8
TAG here at END of wall 9
Begin Again
RESTART: On wall 4 (facing 9:00) dance first 16 counts (instrumental section), then start again at the beginning (still facing 9:00)
TAG: At END of wall 9 (facing 12:00) do the following 18 counts: (no music here so keep counting!)
(1-8) Side Step, Touch (4x)
1-4 Step right to side, touch left beside right, step left to side, touch right beside left
5-8 Repeat 1-4
(9-16) Rocking Chair (2x) (With Some Hips!)
1-4 Rock right forward, recover left, rock right back, recover left
5-8 Repeat 1-4
(17-18) Side Rock Recover
1-2 Rock right to side, recover left (slight pause as music slows down, then start the dance at the beginning - on the word "Kiss")
END: Dance ends on 9:00. Step right to side on last beat, then throw a kiss to 12:00