Intermediate / Advanced
Intro: 32 counts
S1: Side, Cross Rock, Recover, TripleFull Turn, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, ¼
&12 Step right to right, cross rock left over right, recover onto right,
3&4 Travel to the side by stepping left to ¼ left, step right back to ½ turn left, step left to ¼ left side
56&78 Rock right behind left, recover onto left, step right to right, step left behind right, right forward to ¼ right,
S2: ½ Sweep, Twinkle ½, Full Turn, Twinkle ¼, Hitch
1234 Sweep left foot around to ½ turn right, cross left over right, step right back to ¼ left, left to ¼ left,
56 Step right back to ½ turn left, step left forward to ½ turn left
7&8 Cross right over left, step left to ¼ right, hitch right (angling body to right diagonal)
-------Restart Here On Wall 2
S3: Ball Step, Forward, Press, Recover, Cross, Unwind ¾, Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock ¼
&1 Step right beside left, step left forward to right diagonal
23 Press right, recover onto left,
4&5 Cross right over left, unwind ¾ left, step right to right
6&7 Cross left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
8& Side rock on right, recover onto left with a ¼ left turn,
S4: Step, Forward, Pivot ¾, Sway, Sway, Cross, ¼ Run, Run, ¼ Back, Back
12& Step right forward, step forward on left, pivot ¾ right
345 Step left to left and sway hips left, sway hips right, cross left over right
6&78 Step right to ¼ right, step forward on left, step right back to ¼ left, step back on left
S5: Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼, ½, Back Rock, Recover, Forward
12&3 Sweep right from front to back, cross right behind left, step left to left, cross rock right over left
4&5 Recover onto left, step right to ¼ right, step left back to ½ right
678 Rock back on right, recover onto left, step forward on right
S6: ¼ Nightclub Step, Behind, ¼, Forward, Spiral ½ Turn, Front Coaster
12&3 Make a long left step to ¼ right, step right behind left, cross left over right, long right step to right side
4&56 Step left behind right, step right to ¼ right, step forward on left, execute a spiral ½ turn right
7&8 Step forward on right, together on left, step back on right
S7: Forward, ¼ Sweep, Weave, Behind Side Cross, ¼, ¼
12 Step forward on left and prepare to turn left, sweep right to ¼ left
3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right behind left
5&6 Sweep left around and cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
78 Step right back to ¼ left, step left to ¼ left side
S8: Back Rock, Recover, ¼, Rock Back, Look Back, Look Front, Recover, Forward Rock, Recover, ½, Forward
12&3 Rock back on right, recover onto left, step right back to ¼ left, rock back on left
45 Hold as you look back over your left shoulder, look forward and recover onto right
678 Rock forward on left, recover onto right, step left to ½ left
*4 Counts Tag
** Pivot ½ x2
1,2 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left,
3,4 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
* After Wall 5, add the 4 counts tag to the dance and restart.
* As the music is too long, you may wish to end the dance once the music pauses approximately at 04.00 in track.
S1: Side, Cross Rock, Recover, TripleFull Turn, Back Rock, Recover, Side, Behind, ¼
&12 Step right to right, cross rock left over right, recover onto right,
3&4 Travel to the side by stepping left to ¼ left, step right back to ½ turn left, step left to ¼ left side
56&78 Rock right behind left, recover onto left, step right to right, step left behind right, right forward to ¼ right,
S2: ½ Sweep, Twinkle ½, Full Turn, Twinkle ¼, Hitch
1234 Sweep left foot around to ½ turn right, cross left over right, step right back to ¼ left, left to ¼ left,
56 Step right back to ½ turn left, step left forward to ½ turn left
7&8 Cross right over left, step left to ¼ right, hitch right (angling body to right diagonal)
-------Restart Here On Wall 2
S3: Ball Step, Forward, Press, Recover, Cross, Unwind ¾, Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock ¼
&1 Step right beside left, step left forward to right diagonal
23 Press right, recover onto left,
4&5 Cross right over left, unwind ¾ left, step right to right
6&7 Cross left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
8& Side rock on right, recover onto left with a ¼ left turn,
S4: Step, Forward, Pivot ¾, Sway, Sway, Cross, ¼ Run, Run, ¼ Back, Back
12& Step right forward, step forward on left, pivot ¾ right
345 Step left to left and sway hips left, sway hips right, cross left over right
6&78 Step right to ¼ right, step forward on left, step right back to ¼ left, step back on left
S5: Sweep, Behind, Side, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼, ½, Back Rock, Recover, Forward
12&3 Sweep right from front to back, cross right behind left, step left to left, cross rock right over left
4&5 Recover onto left, step right to ¼ right, step left back to ½ right
678 Rock back on right, recover onto left, step forward on right
S6: ¼ Nightclub Step, Behind, ¼, Forward, Spiral ½ Turn, Front Coaster
12&3 Make a long left step to ¼ right, step right behind left, cross left over right, long right step to right side
4&56 Step left behind right, step right to ¼ right, step forward on left, execute a spiral ½ turn right
7&8 Step forward on right, together on left, step back on right
S7: Forward, ¼ Sweep, Weave, Behind Side Cross, ¼, ¼
12 Step forward on left and prepare to turn left, sweep right to ¼ left
3&4 Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right behind left
5&6 Sweep left around and cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right
78 Step right back to ¼ left, step left to ¼ left side
S8: Back Rock, Recover, ¼, Rock Back, Look Back, Look Front, Recover, Forward Rock, Recover, ½, Forward
12&3 Rock back on right, recover onto left, step right back to ¼ left, rock back on left
45 Hold as you look back over your left shoulder, look forward and recover onto right
678 Rock forward on left, recover onto right, step left to ½ left
*4 Counts Tag
** Pivot ½ x2
1,2 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left,
3,4 Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
* After Wall 5, add the 4 counts tag to the dance and restart.
* As the music is too long, you may wish to end the dance once the music pauses approximately at 04.00 in track.