CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fun House

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Hannah Harrison (UK) - August 2009
Funhouse - P!nk
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16 count intro

Rock Fwd Back, Step Lock Step, ¾ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1&2& Rock forward R recover rock back R recover on L
3&4 Step forward R, lock L behind R, step forward R,
5&6 Step back L as you make a ½ turn over R shoulder, step R to R side, making a ¼ turn,
7&8 Step L over R, step R to R side, cross L over R,

Rock Recover, Syncopated Weave, ¼ Step Left, Paddle ¼ & ¼
1,2 Rock R to R side recover weight to onto L,
Restart: Wall 9 – restart the dance from this point.
3&4 Step R behind L, L to L side, R in front of L,
&5,6 L to L side, R behind L, Step L to L side,
7,8 Make ¼ turn L touching R to R side, ¼ Turn to left pointing R to R side

Cross Rock, Side Rock, Back Rock Side, Cross Rock, Side Rock, Step Lock Step
1&2& Cross rock R over L, recover, rock R to R side, recover L,
3&4 Rock R behind L, recover, step R to R side,
5&6& Cross rock L over R, recover, rock L to L side, recover,
7&8 Step L forward to R diagonal, lock R behind L, step L forward,

3/8 Turn ¼ Turn Cross Shuffle, Rock Recover ¼, Turn ½ ½ Step Side
1,2 Step back R making 3/8 turn over L shoulder, step L to L side making ¼ turn over L shoulder
3&4 Step R over L, L to L side, cross R over L
5,6 Rock L to L side recover making ¼ turn R (weight on R foot)
7&8 Step back on L making ½ over R, step forwards R making ½ turn R, step L to L side

TAGS and RESTARTS: TAG 1 will be danced at the END of wall 1 (9:00). TAG 2 is danced at the end of wall 2 (6:00). TAG 2 is danced AGAIN at the end of wall 5 (9:00). Dance the first 10 counts of wall 8 (wall 8 is at 3:00) then RESTART the dance (12:00).

TAG 1: At the end of Wall 1
1-4 (4 heel bounces) upon toes down on heels upon toes down on heels upon toes down on heels upon toes down on heels

TAG 2: At the end of Wall 3 and 6
2 Heel Bounces , Sailor Step, Cross And Behind, Side Cross
1,2 (heel bounce) upon toes down on heels upon toes down on heels
3&4 Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to L side
5&6 Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R
7,8 step R to R side, cross L over R

(Quick) Syncopated Side Behind, Unwind ¾, Bump Bump, Back Lock Back, ¼ ½
&1,2 Step R to R side, step L behind R, unwind a ¾ turn left
3,4 Bump L hip forward and back (twice)
5&6 Step L back, cross R over L, step L back
7,8 Step R to R side as you make a ¼ turn over R shoulder, step L to L side as you make a ½ turn over R shoulder

RESTART: Wall 9 Section 2 after count 2


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